

Decoder (Muscha, 1984)



International Right To Know Day

Decoder (1984)

In a crumbling bunker, the High Priest (Genesis P-Orridge) lectures about information. DP: Johanna Heer.

“Information is like a bank. Some of us are rich. Some of us are poor, with information. All of us can be rich. Our job, your job, is to rob the bank. To kill the guard. To go out there to destroy everybody who keeps, and hides, the whole information. Simple. Special. Information. Power.”

– The High Priest

Decoder (Muscha, 1984)



Milky Ways

Decoder (1984)

Christiana (Christiane F) and F.M. (FM Einheit) at their Sperrmüll table in a neon green-lit kitchen with supermarket shelving. The former junkie prepares a Schrippe with fresh produce while the musician has a selection of wrapped chocolate bars in front of him. DP: Johanna Heer.