

Lolita (Stanley Kubrick, 1962)



Daniel LaRusso's birthday

Lolita (1962)

Lolita (Sue Lyon) twirling her hoola hoop in the yard in front of Prof. Humbert Humbert (James Mason). He pretends to read but is mostly ogling her.. DP: Oswald Morris .

A backyard, deck or fences for Daniel LaRusso's (the Karate Kid kid who, as part of his martial arts training, endlessly paints fences) birthday.

“What drives me insane is the twofold nature of this nymphet, of every nymphet perhaps, this mixture in my Lolita of tender, dreamy childishness and a kind of eerie vulgarity. I know it is madness to keep this journal, but it gives me a strange thrill to do so. And only a loving wife could decipher my microscopic script.”

– Prof. Humbert Humbert