

Le Songe Des Chevaux Sauvages [Dream of the Wild Horses] (Denys Colomb de Daunant, 1960)



ithrah69's birthday

Le Songe Des Chevaux Sauvages (1960)

Camargue horses galloping through a haze of water and dreams. DPs: Denys Colomb de Daunant & André Costey.

A film ithrah69 may like for their birthday.


Filmmaker and photographer Colomb de Daunant's spiritual sequel to Crin blanc : le cheval sauvage [White Mane] (1953) and Glamador (1958) follows the same wild Camargue horses in their dreams.


The accompanying music is performed on a Cristal Baschet, a glass instrument key to several avant-garde films. I refer to John Coulthart's writeup about Le Songe, which links through to an article about the Cristal Baschet.