

Dillinger è morto [Dillinger Is Dead] (Marco Ferreri, 1969)




Dillinger è morto (1969)

Glauco (Michel Piccoli) reading the July 25, 1934 Chicago Daily Tribune that he found in the pantry. The headline states CLEAR UP DILLINGER MYSTERY. DP: Mario Vulpiani.

Dillinger è morto (1969)

Glauco (Michel Piccoli) finishing his copious dinner with half a watermelon. In his right hand the copy of the July 25, 1934 Chicago Daily Tribune with the headline CLEAR UP DILLINGER MYSTERY. DP: Mario Vulpiani.

Dillinger è morto (1969)

July 31: watermelon on #NationalWatermelonDay

Dillinger è morto [Dillinger Is Dead] (Marco Ferreri, 1969)


Industrial designer Glauco (Michel Piccoli) arrives home after a long long, tedious day. His wife Ginette (Anita Pallenberg) – in bed high on painkillers – cooked dinner but the dish is bland and long cold, and the maid (Annie Girardot) is already sleeping. Glauco decides to cook himself a gourmet meal. Looking for ingredients he finds a 1934 newspaper reporting the dead of Chicago gangster John Dillinger with inside of it a rusty 1930s revolver. Fascinated, he meticulously restores the handgun while preparing his meal.

Dillinger è morto is a story of food and alienation. Piccoli's Glauco, bored of his successful career, bored of his beautiful wife, bored of his beautiful house, finds sudden vigour in the act of preparing food and restoring an item that shouldn't be where it is and with that, essentially recreates John Dillinger's escape from Crown Point.

John Dillinger posing with a Tommy gun and the hand-carved wooden gun that he used to escape inescapable Crown Point jail on March 3, 1934. Crudely carved into the dupe's barrel are the words COLT 38. John Dillinger

#Bales2023FilmChallenge #MarcoFerreri #MichelPiccoli #AnitaPallenberg #AnnieGirardot #TeoUsuelli #MarioVulpiani #Italy #drama #crime #satire #food #1960s ★★★★☆
