

Even: As You and I (Roger Barlow, Harry Hay + LeRoy Robbins, 1937)



Even: As You and I (1937)

A film editor struggling with a long strip of celluloid. DP: Hy Hirsh.

Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie [The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie] (Luis Buñuel, 1972)



No One Eats Alone Day

Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (1972)

The diners at a long table. DP: Edmond Richard.

People eat dinner together on No One Eats Alone Day*.

“My God. What am I doing in this place?”

– Henri Sénéchal

The bourgeoisie meet for dinner in various settings, but never consume.


* this event takes place on the Friday of the second full week in February, which makes the 2025 date February 14.

Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (Todd Haynes, 1987)



Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (1987)

A brunette Barbie doll representing Karen Carpenter makes a statement in front of the White House. DP: Barry Ellsworth.

“Mother, didn't you know there are children starving in Africa?”

– “Karen Carpenter”

Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against the Eunuchs (Stuart Cooper, 1974)



Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against the Eunuchs (1974)

Malcolm Scrawdyke (John Hurt), disgruntled art student. DP: John Alcott.

“So, this month becomes the month of Scrawdyke.”

– Malcolm Scrawdyke

Macario (Roberto Gavaldón, 1960)



National Poverty in America Awareness Month

Macario (1960)

Macario (Ignacio López Tarso) passes a Día de los Muertos altar, stacked high with candles, human skulls and bones, and cempasúchil (marigolds), whose fragrant and colour lead the Dead back to their family on this revered day. DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

Poverty (National Poverty in America Awareness Month).


Macario, poor and hungry, wishes to eat a whole turkey all by himself on Día de los Muertos. When he finally has the opportunity, he is interrupted three times: by the Devil, by God, and by Death. With one of them, he shares his meal.

1. April 2000 [April 1, 2000] (Wolfgang Liebeneiner, 1952)



Inauguration Day

1. April 2000 (1952)

Austria's new Prime Minister (Josef Meinrad). DPs: Sepp Ketterer, Karl Löb & Fritz Arno Wagner.

Inaugurations for Inauguration Day (USA). In the future year 2000, on April 1, the newly-elected Prime Minister of Austria is inaugurated. Much to the shock of the Global Union, he declares Austria's independence!

À propos de Nice – point de vue documenté [À propos de Nice] (Boris Kaufman + Jean Vigo, 1930)



New Year's Day

À propos de Nice - point de vue documenté (1930)

Exuberant prostitutes, Jean Vigo (5th from the left), and people who appear to be men in drag, dance on a landing with confetti all around them. In the moving footage they can be seen high-kicking with increased vulgarity, the camera posed below them. DP: Boris Kaufman.

Confetti for New Year's Day.

“In this film, by showing certain basic aspects of a city, a way of life is put on trial… the last gasps of a society so lost in its escapism that it sickens you and makes you sympathetic to a revolutionary solution.”

– Jean Vigo in his manifesto Vers un cinéma social

儀式 [Gishiki / The Ceremony] (Nagisa Ōshima, 1971)



儀式 (1971)

A boy in school uniform has his ear pressed against the ground. DP: Tōichirō Narushima.

Touche pas à la femme blanche [Don't Touch the White Woman!] (Marco Ferreri, 1974)



potato chips

Touche pas à la femme blanche (1974)

Two white Frenchmen – in a University of Columbia and a CIA sweatshirt respectively – comment on the “period piece” they're in. CIA man (Paolo Villaggio) stuffs his face with potato chips. DP: Étienne Becker.

“Whoever dies for the country hasn't lived in vain. I, on the contrary, will live for the country because I'm not that stupid.”

– George A. Custer

Divorzio all'italiana [Divorce Italian Style] (Pietro Germi, 1961)



Divorzio all'italiana (1961)

Ferdinando Cefalù (Mastroianni), all handsome and bored, at a table set with food and wine for one. DPs: Leonida Barboni & Carlo Di Palma.