view Space Coast (Ross McElwee + Michel Negroponte, 1979) Jan 30 A woman and man eating at a wooden table. It's dark, there's one candle, and the guy wearing Ray-Bans® holding his #beer has got something to say. #FilmDinner #grapes #fruit #RossMcElwee #MichelNegroponte #PapaJohnMurphy #MaryBubb #WillieWomack #MartinCaidin #documentary #bikers #NASA #CapeCanaveral #Florida #USA #1970s ★★★★☆
view 错位 [Cuo wei / Dislocation] (Huang Jianxin, 1986) Jun 17 啤酒 The engineer (Zifeng Liu) drinking many many beers with his secretary (Hong Mu). DP: Xinsheng Wang. #FilmDinner #HuangJianxin #beer #ZifengLiu #HongMu #RongWei #XinshengWang #SciFi #drama #robots #China #1980s ★★★½