

絵を描く子どもたち [E o kaku kodomotachi: jidōga o rikai suru tame ni / Children Who Draw] (Susumu Hani, 1956)



Youth Art Month

絵を描く子どもたち (1956)

A little girl painting. DP: Shizuo Komura.

An artistic child for Youth Art Month (USA).


Small children work with clay, paint, and other materials. Under the camera's watchful eye, we see their work come to life.

Waiting for Fidel (Michael Rubbo, 1974)



International Women's Day

Waiting for Fidel (1974)

A group of six girls and two boys sing in celebration of International Women's Day. DP: Douglas Kiefer.

Time flies while waiting for Fidel, and before you know it, it's March 8.



This blog does not list holidays on their respective date, unless a film or scene happens to take place on one.

The Falls (Peter Greenaway, 1980)



US Constitution – 1781

The Falls (1980)

A blonde wearing a floppy hat with peach-coloured ribbons and bird feathers attached to it, sits in front of three small whiteboards with study material such as pictures of waterfalls and pilots. Next to her a little fuse box, and on it a small, white fake bird and an orange-yellow egg. DPs: Mike Coles & John Rosenberg.

An important list in remembrance of the ratification of the Constitution of the United States on March 1, 1781.

“I have often thought it was very arrogant to suppose you could make a film for anybody but yourself… I like to think of The Falls as my own personal encyclopaedia Greenaway-ensis.”

– Peter Greenaway, via

Ninety-two people, all with a surname starting with f-a-l-l, survive unexpected catastrophes known as VUEs (Violent Unknown Events). These individuals experienced curious ailments, such as mutations of evolving into a bird-like form, speaking new languages, and becoming immortal.


This film, a list, describes them all.

Le tombeau d'Alexandre [The Last Bolshevik] (Chris Marker, 1993)



Warsaw Pact

Le tombeau d'Alexandre (1993)

Still from a Medvedkin film. Silhouettes in light of Lenin and Stalin facing each other are projected above a crowd of people. DP of Le tombeau d'Alexandre: Chris Marker.

Unsere Afrikareise [Our Trip to Africa] (Peter Kubelka, 1966)



National Wildlife Day

Unsere Afrikareise (1966)

A frame (source) shows a freshly killed zebra on its side. The film stock's perforations and sound track are visible. DP: Peter Kubelka.

Wild animals for this year's first National Wildlife Day (USA). A second one is on September 4.

“For me, Afrikareise is, in its own genre, the most intense sound film that exists. Sound and images are in synch like in nature (even if it isn’t about the natural sound of something). The sound becomes the acoustic portrait of the visual action.”

– Peter Kubelka, via

Commissioned to film a rich Austrian couple's hunting trip, Kubelka sat on the material for several years before editing it in something more than the sum of its parts.

Der Riese [The Giant] (Michael Klier, 1983/1984)



freebie: a movie from 1984

Der Riese (1983/1984)

A woman, we only see her hands, waits at a counter while clutching her purse. Her handbag is next to her. The camera focusses on the small space reserved to count out money. DP: n/a.

January 21 redux: a film from 1984 on the date Orwell died (1950).

“The film is about observing, about glances that see without being seen, a dubious art of light and visibility.”

– Michael Klier, via

According to Harun Farocki, Der Riese was the first narrative film completely compiled out of surveillance footage.

Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (William Greaves, 1968)




Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (1968)

Don Fellows – testing as “Freddy” – and Patricia Ree Gilbert – testing as “Alice” –, the director (William Greaves), and a camera assistant holding up a light meter. Everyone is eyeing everyone and it's not clear who is playing what part. DPs: Stevan Larner & Terence Macartney-Filgate.

A film about filmmaking, or Hollywood, to celebrate the opening of Edison's Black Maria in 1893.

“You and I are going to be filming the actors. The two of us, see, are going to be filming the actors – continuously – and you will be filming me and the actors. I'm going to be filming the actors and Terry is going to be in charge of filming the whole thing. You see?”

– William Greaves – Director

During a screentest for a documentary in a documentary in a film, director William Greaves attempts to cast the leads for his upcoming piece Over the Cliff, while a documentary crew records their progress.

Beaubourg, centre d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou [Beaubourg] (Roberto Rossellini, 1977)




Beaubourg, centre d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou (1977)

Rossellini on site. DPs: Néstor Almendros, Jean Chiabaut & Emmanuel Machuel.

Die große Ekstase des Bildschnitzers Steiner [The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner] (Werner Herzog, 1974)



Chamonix 1924 Winter Olympics

Die große Ekstase des Bildschnitzers Steiner (1974)

Live footage of Steiner preparing for his flight. DP: Jörg Schmidt-Reitwein.

Winter sports in celebration of the Chamonix 1924 Winter Olympics.

“Ich sollte eigentlich ganz allein auf der Welt sein, ich, Steiner, und sonst kein anderes lebendes Wesen. Keine Sonne, keine Kultur, ich nackt auf einem hohen Fels, kein Sturm, kein Schnee, keine Straßen, keine Banken, kein Geld, keine Zeit und kein Atem. Ich würde dann jedenfalls keine Angst mehr haben.”

– Walter Steiner

In a film that is as much about Herzog as it is about Steiner, we follow the soft-spoken woodcarver in preparation of his definitive ski flight in Planica, Yugoslavia.