Gina [Stone Cold Revenge] (Denys Arcand, 1975)
Gina (Céline Lomez) in front of a silver tinsel curtain at the start of her stripact. DP: Alain Dostie.
Gina [Stone Cold Revenge] (Denys Arcand, 1975)
Gina (Céline Lomez) in front of a silver tinsel curtain at the start of her stripact. DP: Alain Dostie.
行者 [Jingang Jing / Walker] (Tsai Ming-liang, 2012)
The monk (Kang-sheng Lee) walking Hong Kong. DP: Tsai Ming-liang.
Na wylot [Through and Through] (Grzegorz Królikiewicz, 1972)
Maria (Anna Nieborowska) and Jan (Franciszek Trzeciak) in court. The film is based on the 1933 Jan and Maria Malisz’s Case. DP: Bogdan Dziworski.
The Animal (Walter Ungerer, 1976)
A man (Paul Ickovic) by himself at a table. The table setting suggests another person present. DP: Walter Ungerer.
Na wylot [Through and Through] (Grzegorz Królikiewicz, 1972)
Jan (Franciszek Trzeciak) and Maria (Anna Nieborowska) share lunch on a bench. DP: Bogdan Dziworski.
– Ah, regarde, c'est Tati !
– Tati qui?
– Tati, comme Mon Oncle.Simone Barbès ou la vertu (Marie-Claude Treilhou, 1980)
Two female porn theatre ushers (Ingrid Bourgoin and Martine Simonet) looking bored. They sit under two large eye-shaped neon lights. Between them a small table with various half-consumed items, including part of a baguette with pâté. DP: Jean-Yves Escoffier.
The Animal (Walter Ungerer, 1976)
National Ghost Hunting Day
Jo (Jo Moore) in the couple's cabin. She's seen reflected in a mirror, together with what appears to be an older woman in an old photograph. DP: Walter Ungerer.
“Do you want to work? What a nightmarish idea” Οι Τεμπέληδες της Εύφορης Κοιλάδας [Oi tembelides tis eforis koiladas / The Idlers of the Fertile Valley] (Nikos Panayotopoulos, 1978)
freebie: World Sleep Day
The maid, father, and two of the sons in a drab, dark green corridor. The men wear burgundy red dressing gowns over their pyjamas and lethargically lean instead of actively sit or stand. The maid wears practical everyday wear and has something to discuss. DP: Andreas Bellis.
Slow cinema of a different kind. We spend long hours in the company of a father (Vasilis Diamantopoulos) and his sons Sakis (George Dialegmenos), Nikos (Dimitris Poulikakos), and Giannis (Nikitas Tsakiroglou). The four of them – rich, bourgeois – have inherited a country villa and the plan is to do nothing for the next seven years. No work, no unnecessary movements. There's #sleep, lots of it. And copious amounts of food prepared by maid Sofia (Olga Karlatos) – she comes with the house; chattels personal – in addition of her body to be consumed by the increasingly idle men.
Οι Τεμπέληδες της Εύφορης Κοιλάδας is a slow satire, quietly addressing Greek #class struggle through the viewer's observation. Who do we follow? The father, who quickly surrenders to sloth; the sons – young, with their whole lives ahead of them; the maid – never questioning her position and slavishly fulfilling her duties of the flesh, in bed and in the kitchen?
The similarities are there but unlike #MarcoFerreri's La grande bouffe (1973), there's no culmination in decadence. No euphoria to speak of. No grand release either; while the camera roams the mansion, attuned to #Mahler's tone poem Symphony No. 1 [Titan] – our only clue of the passing of time; even the vegetation succumbs to ennui – the story plods on. One of the men gets dressed, to go to work. It's foolish.
“I could have made mashed potatoes, but we're having that tomorrow.”Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (Chantal Akerman, 1975)
National Potato Day
Jeanne Dielman (Delphine Seyrig) eternally peeling potatoes for dinner in this gif from Fondation Chantal Akerman. DP: Babette Mangolte.
Jeanne Dielman routinely prepares meals, cleans the house, mothers her teenage son, and entertains men. Then something breaks and her carefully nurtured practices slowly unravel.
– Jeanne Dielman
愛情萬歲 [Ai qing wan sui / Vive L'Amour] (Tsai Ming-liang, 1994)
Flatmates Day
In a black-tiled bathroom, a black dress and black shoes are fitted. DPs: Pen-Jung Liao & Ming-Kuo Lin.
May Lin is a real estate agent who meets up with a man in the bare, too sterile flat she brokers. Another man who took the key of the same dwellings for his own cause, decides to settle in.
Over time, the apartment serves not only as the space where events take place, but locks and guides the flatmates through their compulsions.