

America America (Elia Kazan, 1963)



New Amsterdam

America America (1963)

Stavros (Stathis Giallelis) and other passengers on the ship. Their faces are reflected in a glass pane, showing dozens waiting at what appears to be Ellis Island. DP: Haskell Wexler.

A film about New York to commemorate the incorporation of New Amsterdam. The official Bales' rule states the year 1624, but that is the year of settlement, and even that is one year off. To cut a long story short, New Amsterdam was incorporated as a city on February 2, 1653.

“My name is Elia Kazan. I am a Greek by blood, a Turk by birth and an American because my uncle made a journey.”

– Elia Kazan, voice-over

America America tells the story of director Kazan's grandfather through the life of the Greek Stavros Topouzoglou (Stathis Giallelis), who was adamant to start anew, in New York.

On the Waterfront (Elia Kazan, 1954)




On the Waterfront (1954)

Edie Doyle (Eva Marie Saint) apprehensively sips liquor with Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) in attendance. DPs: Boris Kaufman & James Wong Howe.

“You know this city's full of hawks? That's a fact. They hang around on the top of the big hotels. And they spot a pigeon in the park. Right down on him.”

– Terry Malloy