

Ciao Manhattan (John Palmer + David Weisman, 1972)



International Overdose Awareness Day

Ciao Manhattan (1972)

A hollow-eyed Susan Superstar (or Edie Sedgwick, it doesn't matter) getting ready in the morning in one of the 1960s scenes. The cameraman is visible in the many bathroom mirrors. DPs: John Palmer & Kjell Rostad.

28 is no age to die, regardless if your name is Susan Superstar or Edie Sedgwick. But it happened, right during the wrap-up of Ciao Manhattan. Edie was gone, just like that, snuffed like so many of the other #Warhol Superstars. What did remain was footage, so much abandoned footage shot in the 60s when those stars were shining at their brightest. That footage, set in glitzy black-and-white Manhattan, is where Edie and Paul America race around town on amphetamine. Or see a doctor to get shots of some sorts.

“Speed is the ultimate, all-time high. That first rush. Wow! Just that burning, searing, soaring sense of perfection.”

– Susan

And there's colour footage too. Susan, topless, semi-(un)consciously dragged around the floor of her empty pool-turned-Superstar-temple. She babbles, drinks, dances around in her panties. And she ODs. Like Edie would even before this movie had seen the light of day.


They snuff so fast, these bright Superstars.