Trash (Paul Morrissey, 1970)
freebie: Paul Morrissey born
Freebie: Paul Morrissey born (1938 – 2024)
“Just because people throw it out and don't have any use for it, doesn't mean it's garbage.”
– Holly
Ciao Manhattan (John Palmer + David Weisman, 1972)
International Overdose Awareness Day
A hollow-eyed Susan Superstar (or Edie Sedgwick, it doesn't matter) getting ready in the morning in one of the 1960s scenes. The cameraman is visible in the many bathroom mirrors. DPs: John Palmer & Kjell Rostad.
28 is no age to die, regardless if your name is Susan Superstar or Edie Sedgwick. But it happened, right during the wrap-up of Ciao Manhattan. Edie was gone, just like that, snuffed like so many of the other #Warhol Superstars. What did remain was footage, so much abandoned footage shot in the 60s when those stars were shining at their brightest. That footage, set in glitzy black-and-white Manhattan, is where Edie and Paul America race around town on amphetamine. Or see a doctor to get shots of some sorts.
“Speed is the ultimate, all-time high. That first rush. Wow! Just that burning, searing, soaring sense of perfection.”
– Susan
They snuff so fast, these bright Superstars.