

Nóz w wodzie [Knife in the Water] (Roman Polanski, 1962)



tomato soup

Nóz w wodzie (1962)

The couple – Jolanta Umecka as Krystyna and Leon Niemczyk as Andrzej – enjoy their little lunch for two of wine and canned soup while the young man (Zygmunt Malanowicz) mopes on the ship's bow. DP: Jerzy Lipman.

“I forgot the cucumbers.”

– Krystyna

Nóz w wodzie [Knife in the Water] (Roman Polanski, 1962)



Mayflower Day

Nóz w wodzie (1962)

The young man (Zygmunt Malanowicz) outstretched on the boat's bow. DP: Jerzy Lipman.

“Hitching at this hour.”

Rosemary's Baby (Roman Polanski, 1968)



Hairstyle Appreciation Day

Rosemary's Baby (1968)

A promotional photo for Rosemary's Baby. Sassoon cuts Farrow's hair while she looks intensely in an offscreen mirror. Around them, several pressmen with recording equipment are visible. DP: William A. Fraker.

Wild with today's eyes, it is not. Yet Rosemary's “very in” Vidal Sassoon #PixieCut was a shocking affair in 68. Director Roman #Polanski flew in Vidal Sassoon – the world's hottest hairdresser – all the way from London, to cut Mia Farrow's hair in a boxing-ring-turned-pressroom. All of a sudden, in her lunch break, Mia/Rosemary transformed from timid waif to women's lib.

“It's by Vidal Sassoon. It's very in.”

– Rosemary Woodhouse

Both the lady's movie husband Guy Woodhouse (John Cassavetes) and real-world husband Frank Sinatra were incensed by the bold move. Of course, in Rosemary's Baby the haircut is Rosemary's attempt to make sense of the changing world around her. Moving to a new city, an unexpected pregnancy, all those lovely new neighbours to socialise with… a girl needs to feel in control!