

Simón del desierto [San Simeón del desierto / Simon of the Desert] (Luis Buñuel, 1965)



National Day Of Prayer

Simón del desierto (1965)

A young, bearded person in toga and a lamb pass Simón (Claudio Brook), praying on top of his pillar. DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

Simón is a stylite in the Syrian #desert on top of a pillar, close to God, #praying. People gather and pray to him, Simón. Simón prays for the people, the animals, himself.

“Come down off that column. Taste earthly pleasures till you've had your fill. Till the very word pleasure fills you with nausea.”

– The Devil

As with anyone who believes in the concept of #sin, or desires to be free of sin, sin comes to Simón.