

Macario (Roberto Gavaldón, 1960)



National Poverty in America Awareness Month

Macario (1960)

Macario (Ignacio López Tarso) passes a Día de los Muertos altar, stacked high with candles, human skulls and bones, and cempasúchil (marigolds), whose fragrant and colour lead the Dead back to their family on this revered day. DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

Poverty (National Poverty in America Awareness Month).


Macario, poor and hungry, wishes to eat a whole turkey all by himself on Día de los Muertos. When he finally has the opportunity, he is interrupted three times: by the Devil, by God, and by Death. With one of them, he shares his meal.

El escapulario [The Scapular] (Servando González, 1968)



El escapulario (1968)

Padre Andrés (Enrique Aguilar). DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

Ánimas Trujano (El hombre importante) [The Important Man] (Ismael Rodríguez, 1961)



Underdog Day

Ánimas Trujano (El hombre importante) (1961)

Now very important Ánimas Trujano [Toshirō Mifune] holding his Juana (Columba Domínguez). DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

An underdog for National Underdog Day. Underdog Ánimas Trujano is dead set on becoming his town's next mayordomio, the wealthy, respected man in charge of funding one of Oaxaca's major religious festivals. He does find a way, a terrible one, and does get the respect and riches he wishes for. But even with all the money and praise in the world, Ánimas' continuous down his well-trodden path of gambling away the riches bestowed, and cheating on his long-suffering wife.


It took me a moment to get comfortable with the casting of Japanese movie legend Toshirō Mifune as the titular important man (also see Noé Murayama in Rodríguez's Los hermanos Del Hierro from 1961, but from that moment on, Ánimas Trujano feels as universal as any great cinematic experience should be.

Salón México (Emilio Fernández, 1949)



$120 cerveza

Salón México (1949)

Mercedes (Marga López) sitting at a small round table at the salón. A waiter just came over to take her order. In the other room, meticulously dressed couples dance to live music. DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

El ángel exterminador [The Exterminating Angel] (Luis Buñuel, 1962)



National Black Bear Day

El ángel exterminador (1962)

A young brown bear in a luxuriously furnished room. DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

As part of a witty surprise, Lucía Nóbile (Lucy Gallardo) arranged a #bear and three #sheep for the lavish dinner party she's thrown for her fellow #opera-loving guests. However, the joke is not appreciated and in the cause of the evening – and a ruined dinner when the staff decides to go even before serving any of the #food – the company find that they cannot leave the salon.

“I love the spontaneity of this situation. If you'd like to spend the night, we'll make up as many rooms as needed. I'm pleased to see the old spirit of improvisation is alive and well.”

– Edmundo Nobile

While the beasts roam the house, the elite are faced with hunger, primal urges, and no motivation to leave.

Simón del desierto [San Simeón del desierto / Simon of the Desert] (Luis Buñuel, 1965)



National Day Of Prayer

Simón del desierto (1965)

A young, bearded person in toga and a lamb pass Simón (Claudio Brook), praying on top of his pillar. DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

Simón is a stylite in the Syrian #desert on top of a pillar, close to God, #praying. People gather and pray to him, Simón. Simón prays for the people, the animals, himself.

“Come down off that column. Taste earthly pleasures till you've had your fill. Till the very word pleasure fills you with nausea.”

– The Devil

As with anyone who believes in the concept of #sin, or desires to be free of sin, sin comes to Simón.