

Macario (Roberto Gavaldón, 1960)



National Poverty in America Awareness Month

Macario (1960)

Macario (Ignacio López Tarso) passes a Día de los Muertos altar, stacked high with candles, human skulls and bones, and cempasúchil (marigolds), whose fragrant and colour lead the Dead back to their family on this revered day. DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

Poverty (National Poverty in America Awareness Month).


Macario, poor and hungry, wishes to eat a whole turkey all by himself on Día de los Muertos. When he finally has the opportunity, he is interrupted three times: by the Devil, by God, and by Death. With one of them, he shares his meal.

El año de la peste [The Year of the Plague] (Felipe Cazals, 1979)



El año de la peste (1979)

Armed police wearing gas masks in front of the Palacio Nacional, Mexico City. DP: Xavier Cruz.

“It has been a good day for everyone, even for God. No sign of rain. No evidence of disease or blood.”

El escapulario [The Scapular] (Servando González, 1968)



El escapulario (1968)

Padre Andrés (Enrique Aguilar). DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

El esqueleto de la señora Morales [Skeleton of Mrs. Morales] (Rogelio A. González, 1960)



El esqueleto de la señora Morales (1960)

Señora Morales (Amparo Rivelles) looks on in horror while señor Morales (Arturo de Córdova) enjoys his meal. DP: Víctor Herrera.

El gran calavera [The Great Madcap] (Luis Buñuel, 1949)



El gran calavera (1949)

Lobbycard. DP: Ezequiel Carrasco.

Misterios de la magia negra [Mysteries of Black Magic] (Miguel M. Delgado, 1958)



Misterios de la magia negra (1958)

Two well-dressed women, one of them prostrated on a stone slab. DP: Víctor Herrera.

Los hermanos Del Hierro [My Son, the Hero] (Ismael Rodríguez, 1961)




Los hermanos Del Hierro (1961)

Brothers Martín (Julio Alemán) and Reynaldo Del Hierro (Antonio Aguilar) drinking in a cantina. Reynaldo, the older one, looks pensive while the younger takes a big gulp of beer. DP: Rosalío Solano.

A dish best served cold.

Ánimas Trujano (El hombre importante) [The Important Man] (Ismael Rodríguez, 1961)



Underdog Day

Ánimas Trujano (El hombre importante) (1961)

Now very important Ánimas Trujano [Toshirō Mifune] holding his Juana (Columba Domínguez). DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

An underdog for National Underdog Day. Underdog Ánimas Trujano is dead set on becoming his town's next mayordomio, the wealthy, respected man in charge of funding one of Oaxaca's major religious festivals. He does find a way, a terrible one, and does get the respect and riches he wishes for. But even with all the money and praise in the world, Ánimas' continuous down his well-trodden path of gambling away the riches bestowed, and cheating on his long-suffering wife.


It took me a moment to get comfortable with the casting of Japanese movie legend Toshirō Mifune as the titular important man (also see Noé Murayama in Rodríguez's Los hermanos Del Hierro from 1961, but from that moment on, Ánimas Trujano feels as universal as any great cinematic experience should be.

Matinée (Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, 1977)



National Easy Bake Oven Day

Matinée (1977)

Friends Aarón (Rodolfo Chávez Martínez) and Jorge (Armando Martín) having a grownup discussion about the situation. DP: Jorge Stahl Jr..

Two boys skip class to catch a movie – Alexander Mackendrick's thematically similar A High Wind in Jamaica (1965) – and end up as members of a violent gang instead. While Matinée has elements of a typical 70s #ComingOfAge movie, the more fascinating element is the role reversal of the two children and the robbers. As the kids are forced to grow up, fast, the criminals live out their childhood fantasy of never having to listen to anyone ever again. And bicker over comics.


Robert Rodriguez stated that the fearsome criminals in his El Mariachi (1992) never outgrew their childhood nicknames. I start to suspect that once upon a time, a little boy named Robertiño skipped class and went to the matinee.

Beatriz (Gonzalo Suárez, 1976)




Beatriz (1976)

Basilisa (Nadiuska) holds up a terrine for Juan (Óscar Martín), who scoops the soup into his bowl. The bowl is the top of three the small boy has towering in front of him. DP: Carlos Suárez.