El escapulario [The Scapular] (Servando González, 1968)
Padre Andrés (Enrique Aguilar). DP: Gabriel Figueroa.
El escapulario [The Scapular] (Servando González, 1968)
Padre Andrés (Enrique Aguilar). DP: Gabriel Figueroa.
Misterios de la magia negra [Mysteries of Black Magic] (Miguel M. Delgado, 1958)
Two well-dressed women, one of them prostrated on a stone slab. DP: Víctor Herrera.
Yanco (Servando González + Mohy Quandour, 1961)
Fiddlers Frolic
Juanito (Ricardo Ancona), seen in silhouette, playing his violin in the chinampas. DP: Álex Phillips Jr..
In Mayan worldview, mortals move along the horizontal, gods along the vertical plane. A boy travels both worlds, united by music and wonder.
Juanito, a #Mixquic boy with hypersensitive hearing, finds solace from the hustle of #MexicoCity in the silence of the chinampas – the pre-Hispanic man-made agricultural plots in lake #Xochimilco. There he plays his cardboard fiddle for the nature around him, until the sound from a real violin reaches him. The violinist, an old hermit who lives on one of the chinampas, takes the boy in and teaches him how to master Yanco, his hand-built instrument. When the man dies, the boy goes out at night to be able to play Yanco. In a changing world where the living and the dead used to naturally cross paths, the strings stir different to some.
The #Nahuatl film Yanco is a small cinematic miracle that begs for a beautiful restoration akin to how Govindan Aravindan's കുമ്മാട്ടി [Kummatty] (1979) opened up the world to indigenous filmmaking.