

Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (William Greaves, 1968)




Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (1968)

Don Fellows – testing as “Freddy” – and Patricia Ree Gilbert – testing as “Alice” –, the director (William Greaves), and a camera assistant holding up a light meter. Everyone is eyeing everyone and it's not clear who is playing what part. DPs: Stevan Larner & Terence Macartney-Filgate.

A film about filmmaking, or Hollywood, to celebrate the opening of Edison's Black Maria in 1893.

“You and I are going to be filming the actors. The two of us, see, are going to be filming the actors – continuously – and you will be filming me and the actors. I'm going to be filming the actors and Terry is going to be in charge of filming the whole thing. You see?”

– William Greaves – Director

During a screentest for a documentary in a documentary in a film, director William Greaves attempts to cast the leads for his upcoming piece Over the Cliff, while a documentary crew records their progress.

The Mills of the Gods: Viet Nam (Beryl Fox, 1965)



Air Force Birthday

The Mills of the Gods: Viet Nam (1965)

Drafted soldiers in a military chopper. One of them is reading Richard Wormser's Operation Crosbow (Dell Comics Movie Classics #590), another has his head slumped in his hands. DP: Erik Durschmied.

“Thus, I do not see what use there is in those mills of the gods said to grind so late as to render punishment hard to be recognized, and to make wickedness fearless”

– Plutarch, Moralia (1 A.D.)