

Le lit de la vierge (1969)

Marie/M. Magdalène (Zouzou) embracing a lost Jesus (Pierre Clémenti). She's wears a black tunic with a black headscarf, he a white outfit (long johns?) and a crown of thorns. She appears to speak to him. DP: Michel Fournier.

Le lit de la vierge (1969)

August 10: a Mary for #NationalMaryDay

Le lit de la vierge [The Virgin's Bed] (Philippe Garrel, 1969)

After the dust of May 68 had settled and it became clear that the promised revolution would never be, the young were lost. Filmed in an unscripted haze of drugs and dimmed hope, Le lit de la vierge brings back Jesus [Pierre Clémenti] – now mocked as an astray, confused man and representing the many once-hopeful of '68 – to the desert where he meets Marie, his mother the virgin and the prostitute Marie Magdalène, 60s scene girl Zouzou la twisteuse in a double role.

The mother/whore and hippie aspire a new revolution of sorts, exposing the beach under the pavement as a desert of contemplation.

A gif of Tina Aumont during the filming of “Le lit de la vierge”. From Frédéric Pardo's short psychedelic documentary “Home Movie, autour du 'Lit de la vierge” (1968). DP: Frédéric Pardo.

Home Movie, autour du 'Lit de la vierge' (1968)

#Bales2023FilmChallenge #PhilippeGarrel #Zouzou #PierreClémenti #TinaAumont #GroupeZanzibar #JohnCale #Nico #MichelFournier #France #Mai68 #drugs #religion #hippies #Morocco #1960s
