

Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)



Eiffel Tower Day

Playtime (1967)

A woman in a long grey overcoat holds a glass door of one of the many impersonal, grey modernist buildings. For a brief moment the Eiffel Tower can be seen reflected in the glass, providing a much needed flash of colour. DPs: Jean Badal & Andréas Winding.

Never was or will I be a fan of Jacques #Tati, the loveable Luddite who wouldn't be as big as he became if it wasn't for the technological wonders of the 20th century. Having said that, his Playtime (1967) holds a special place in my heart.


Tati's alter ego Monsieur #Hulot roams a hyper-modern #Paris, actually an enormous soundstage dubbed Tativille. People, buildings and gadgets interact with and against each other, each and everyone as plotless as a prop. In unison, it becomes a perfectly orchestrated symphony of maddening modernism.


But Tati wouldn't be Tati if it wasn't for a glimpse of quiet nostalgia. A woman holding the glass-and-steel entrance door of yet another concrete office building. In the glass, a burst of warm light and colour and movement. And then it's gone, and we remember how that tower once was the thorn in the Luddite's eye, that “baroque and mercantile fancy of a builder of machines”.


I'm going to take Mr Ebert's words to heart for my long overdue revisit to #Tativille:

”'Playtime' is a peculiar, mysterious, magical film. Perhaps you should see it as a preparation for seeing it; the first time won't quite work.”

– Roger Ebert

Paris qui dort [Paris Asleep / The Invisible Ray / At 3:25] (René Clair, 1925)



freebie: Eiffel Tower Day

Paris qui dort (1925)

Two bright young things in their fashionable suits cease their scuffle mid fight, high up on the Eiffel Tower. DPs: Maurice Desfassiaux & Alfred Guichard.

Science fiction may be one of those genres that's forever linked to the future and, depending on which side of 2000 you are at, either in a dystopian of utopian fashion.


An #Eiffel Tower watchman wakes up to find the world around him asleep. The few ones still awake – the bright, pretty, carefree things – explore, live and loot.