

Space Coast (Ross McElwee + Michel Negroponte, 1979)



Space Coast (1979)

A woman and man eating at a wooden table. It's dark, there's one candle, and the guy wearing Ray-Bans® holding his #beer has got something to say.

Where the Boys Are (Henry Levin, 1960)



Where the Boys Are (1960)

While chatting up TV Thompson (Jim Hutton), Tuggle Carpenter (Paula Prentiss) presents a fake ID to prove that with her “25” years of age she's old enough to drink. The ID also states that despite her 5'10” (1,78m) frame, she's a petite 5'2” (1,57m). DP: Robert J. Bronner.

Where the Boys Are is chock-full of characters whose names appear to be straight space-travel-lifted from various #JohnWaters' movies: Tuggle Carpenter! TV Thompson! Lola Fandango! Dr. Raunch for Chrissakes!

“The boys come to soak up the sun, and a few carloads of beer. The girls come, very simply, because this is where the boys are.”

– narrator

We follow four female midwestern college students on #SpringBreak in Fort Lauderdale. Their objective is boys boys boys (and an even tan) and nothing, including being too young to drink, can stop them. This was one of the first post-Hayes Hollywood movies to address teenage sex yet despite all the innuendo (“What's your shoe size?” “13.” “Get in the car!”), it's all pretty clean. But without these girls, there wouldn't be any Dawn Davenport. And that would've ruined everybody's Christmas.

Space Coast (Ross McElwee + Michel Negroponte, 1979)



NASA Day Of Remembrance

Space Coast (1979)

Cape Canaveral space journalist Mary Bubb, 59, determined to never miss a launch – shows up at a rocket launch.

“I'll take you to the horses. I'll take you to the Moon.”

– former NASA employee talking to his granddaughter