“No, I never left the wheel; not for a moment.”The Mystery of the Mary Celeste [Phantom Ship] (Denison Clift, 1935)
Anton Lorenzen (Bela Lugosi). DPs: Eric Cross & Geoffrey Faithfull.
– Anton Lorenzen
“No, I never left the wheel; not for a moment.”The Mystery of the Mary Celeste [Phantom Ship] (Denison Clift, 1935)
Anton Lorenzen (Bela Lugosi). DPs: Eric Cross & Geoffrey Faithfull.
– Anton Lorenzen
“I, I find all kinds of witchcraft slightly nauseating and this I find absolutely disgusting.”The Plague of the Zombies (John Gilling, 1966)
A rather disgusting looking zombie carrying a young brunette in a flower dress. DP: Arthur Grant.
– Sir James Forbes
– Do you realise what today's date is, Rex? – April the, er, 29th, why?The Devil Rides Out (Terence Fisher, 1968)
The menacing Mocata (Charles Gray). DP: Arthur Grant.
– What's that?
– Tea.X the Unknown (Leslie Norman + Joseph Losey, 1956)
Two soldiers on nightshift ready to eat. One of them hands a mess tin with grub to the other when there's a sound. DP: Gerald Gibbs.
“I'm strange, all right! I'll show you just how strange I am!” The Damned [These Are the Damned] (Joseph Losey, 1962)
National Automatic Door Day
An 11-year old boy, Henry (Kit Williams), opens a featureless door in a rock surface for a drenched King (Oliver Reed). DP: Arthur Grant.
An American tourist visiting Dorset is tricked by a prostitute, then falls victim to a youth gang controlled by volatile con King – a still very green Oliver Reed at his meanest. The trickster is King's sister, who confides in the American hoping to escape her brother's incestuous advances.
– King
The couple elopes to a nearby island, closely followed by King and his gang, where they find a group of #children, all contently living in an underground lab, with #AutomaticDoors only they can control.
They are the damned.