

The Blue Gardenia (Fritz Lang, 1953)



International Hangover Day

The Blue Gardenia (1953)

Norah (Anne Baxter) and Harry (Raymond Burr) sharing a meal – and a drink (or two) – at the Blue Gardenia Club. DP: Nicholas Musuraca.

After a horrible birthday alone followed by a lovely night out, Norah wakes up with a terrible hangover and a hunch of being a murderess.

“How about you slip into something more comfortable, like a few drinks and some Chinese food?”

– Harry

The Blue Gardenia is Lang's hard-bitten take on the gruesome Black Dahlia murder case and part of his newspaper noir trilogy together with While the City Sleeps and Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, both from 1956.

O Bandido da Luz Vermelha [The Red Light Bandit] (Rogério Sganzerla, 1968)



prairie oyster

O Bandido da Luz Vermelha (1968)

The bandit (Paulo Villaça) cracks a raw egg over his liquid breakfast while one of his female victims (Sonia Braga) is on the phone beside him. Her cigarette smokes itself and the kitchen table is packed with drugstore items. DPs: Peter Overbeck & Carlos Ebert.