আকালের সন্ধানে [Akaler Sandhane / In Search of Famine] (Mrinal Sen, 1982)
World Hunger Day
A woman in sari looks up to the sky, her left hand shielding her eyes. DP: K.K. Mahajan.
A film crew from Calcutta arrives in a small Bengal town to make a film about the 1943 Bengal Famine. Initially, their arrival sparks joy and wonder but while filming, the participants – travelling back and forth between 1943 and 1980, Calcutta and rural Bengal, and reality and re-enactment – come to realise that #famine has many faces.
Culloden (Peter Watkins, 1964)
Wigged man at a table, drinking wine with three men lower in rank standing behind them with their arms crossed. DP: Dick Bush.
“Sir John MacDonald, Jacobite captain of cavalry. Aged, frequently intoxicated, described as 'a man of the most limited capacities'.”
– narrator
Fetish & Dreams (Steff Gruber, 1985)
National Boston Day
Michèle (Michèle Rusconi) and S. (Steff Gruber) in front of a mirror. While she combs her long dark hair, he films the reflection of the both of them. DP: Rainer Klausmann.
Swiss documentary maker S. (Steff Gruber) explores New York's high-tech dating market when he slowly comes to the realisation that he himself is lonely. Trying to track down the woman he saw on the plane en route to America, S. and his crew find themselves in Boston.
“Fifty ways to meet your lover”
– computer dating ad