

Cleopatra (Joseph L. Mankiewicz + Rouben Mamoulian, 1963)



National Spark The World Day

Cleopatra (1963)

Cleopatra's – Elizabeth Taylor, anachronistically dressed as the goddess Nekhbet – grande entrée in Rome. She sits on top of a black, basalt-like sphinx, pulled by numerous slaves and greeted by a cast of thousands. There are 20 000 Italian extras; there's no CGI. DPs: Leon Shamroy & Jack Hildyard.

Like Rome, Cleopatra wasn't built in a day. Joseph L. Mankiewicz's epic studio breaker took six years to make and, despite it being the highest-grossing film of 1963, didn't break even until 1973. Was it a #flop? A classic flop but a flop nevertheless?

“There are never enough hours in the days of a queen, and her nights have too many.”

– Cleopatra


Is it all bad? Cleopatra is one of those movies that so many – and that includes obsessive cinephiles – will get around to watch. Eventually. All four hours of it. I'm still holding out, but ooh, the spectacle!

The General (Clyde Bruckman + Buster Keaton, 1926)



National Oregon Day

The General (1926)

Johnnie Gray (Keaton) stands on the roof of The General's locomotive while Oregon passes along. DPs: Bert Haines & Devereaux Jennings.

“This girl was in the baggage car when we stole the train, so I thought it best to hold her.”

– Captain Anderson

Sadly it was a box office #flop, resulting in Keaton losing his independence and his movie entering the #PublicDomain as early as 1954. Luckily for us that means we too can enjoy Oregon beautiful 1920s vistas.