

憂國 [Yūkoku / Patriotism or the Rite of Love and Death] (Yukio Mishima, 1966)



Loyalty Day

憂國 (1966)

Shinji Takeyama (Yukio Mishima) and Reiko (Yoshiko Tsuruoka). In a quiet framed still, Shinji lays on a tatami mat in full uniform. Reiko rests her head on his chest. Both have their eyes closed. DP: Kimio Watanabe.

Japanese author Yukio Mishima was, besides an aesthete, a fierce proponent of Japanese nationalism. In 憂國, based on his short 1960 story, Mishima plays palace guard Lt. Shinji Takeyama. Despite being one of the instigators of an ultra-nationalist coup, Takeyama decides he cannot overthrow the government as it would mean having to kill his friends and be disloyal to the Emperor. Returning home, he and his bride Reiko (Yoshiko Tsuruoka) perform #切腹 (#seppuku / #HaraKiri), as in line with Takeyama's #samurai heritage.


Yūkoku is a #SilentFilm that plays out like #Noh #theatre, with an extreme emphasis on the beauty and love of death and loyalty respectively.


After Mishima's own seppuku in 1970, his widow ordered all copies of Yūkoku to be destroyed. In 2005, in Mishima's house, a pristine copy was uncovered in a tea box.

羅生門 [Rashōmon] (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)



April Showers Day

羅生門 (1950)

Two men sheltering from torrential rain in the gate of a wooden temple. DP: Kazuo Miyagawa.

“It sounded interesting, at least while I kept out of the rain. But if it's a sermon, I'd sooner listen to the rain.”

– commoner