

The Man Who Laughs (Paul Leni, 1928)




The Man Who Laughs (1928)

A hand-painted carnival banner reading “URSUS ye Philosopher presents THE LAUGHING MAN. Don't fail to see GWYNPLAINE who was deserted at ye age of ten on ye night of ye 29th of January 1690 by ye Villainous Comprachicos on ye coast of Cornwall. This little boy has grown up and is now known as THE LAUGHING MAN”. DP: Gilbert Warrenton.

“What a lucky clown you are! You don't have to wipe off your laugh.”

Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen [Even Dwarfs Started Small] (Werner Herzog, 1970)



National Short Person Day

Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen (1970)

Some of the main cast members, with three women in focus. They're outdoors and several animals, including a kneeling dromedary, can be spotted in the background. DP: Thomas Mauch.

A short main character for National Short Person Day (USA).

“When we behave nobody cares. But when we are bad nobody forgets.”

– Hombré

The Unknown (Tod Browning, 1927)



Let's Hug Day

The Unknown (1927)

Someone's hugged on Let's Hug Day [sic]. Target girl Nanon (Joan Crawford) hugs her circus partner, Alonzo (Lon Chaney) the knife thrower. Her tight embrace may reveal his secret. DP: Merritt B. Gerstad.

Nanon Zanzi (Joan Crawford) is mortally afraid of men. Of their grabbing, grasping, groping hands. This is why she only trusts her knife throwing partner Alonzo the Armless (Lon Chaney). What she doesn't know is that Alonzo and his 4'10”/1,47 m accomplice Cojo (that great staple of precode horror Tufei Filhela aka John George), use the #circus to hide from the long arm of the law, who is looking for a murderer with a deformed thumb. Who would suspect an armless man?

“Men! The beasts! God would show wisdom if he took the hands from all of them!”

– Nanon Zanzi

As mighty as Alonzo may be, the incomparable Lon Chaney owes much to armless violinist and knife thrower “Judge” Paul Desmuke. Story goes that Desmuke taught Chaney his knife act in two months. More probable is that some of the more impressive close-up scenes show the Judge's, not Chaney's, feet.


Like Alonzo, The Unknown has lost some flesh. Until 1968, only mangled bootlegs were available; a complete print was considered non-existent. Five years later, news broke about film reels of unknown origin labelled inconnu – [the] unknown, somewhere in the bowels of the Cinémathèque Française.


Some 14 minutes, outlining the Armless' background, are still missing. Do check your attic.

Le Pétomane du Moulin Rouge [The Fart Maniac] (1900)



National Pass Gas Day

Le Pétomane du Moulin Rouge (1900)

Flatulist Joseph Pujol blowing out a candle with his derrière.

Witness the world famous pétomane shot on location at the Moulin Rouge (and amazingly not at Edison's Black Maria), as saved for prosperity by Edison Studios. The large trumpet-like contraption that can be seen on the left, the Edison Kinetophone, also present in The Dickson Experimental Sound Film (William Dickson, 1894/95), recorded the sound on a cylinder, that then could be played back in synch with the picture.


The original audio recording that accompanied this film is lost; do check your attic.