

Ánimas Trujano (El hombre importante) [The Important Man] (Ismael Rodríguez, 1961)



Underdog Day

Ánimas Trujano (El hombre importante) (1961)

Now very important Ánimas Trujano [Toshirō Mifune] holding his Juana (Columba Domínguez). DP: Gabriel Figueroa.

An underdog for National Underdog Day. Underdog Ánimas Trujano is dead set on becoming his town's next mayordomio, the wealthy, respected man in charge of funding one of Oaxaca's major religious festivals. He does find a way, a terrible one, and does get the respect and riches he wishes for. But even with all the money and praise in the world, Ánimas' continuous down his well-trodden path of gambling away the riches bestowed, and cheating on his long-suffering wife.


It took me a moment to get comfortable with the casting of Japanese movie legend Toshirō Mifune as the titular important man (also see Noé Murayama in Rodríguez's Los hermanos Del Hierro from 1961, but from that moment on, Ánimas Trujano feels as universal as any great cinematic experience should be.

隠し砦の三悪人 [Kakushi-toride no san-akunin / The Hidden Fortress] (Akira Kurosawa, 1958)



White Ribbon Day

隠し砦の三悪人 (1958)

General Makabe (Toshirō Mifune) facing us with Princess Yuki (Misa Uehara) seemingly standing high above him on the fortress' wall, facing away. DP: Kazuo Yamazaki.

“I don't know what to do with her Highness. Say right and she'll go left, say left and she'll go right. And though she is a girl, she has never shown me a tear.”

– old lady-in-waiting

In Kurosawa's 隠し砦の三悪人, a couple of greedy peasants escort a man and woman across enemy lines after the man has promised them a share of the gold they're carrying. Unknowingly, the fools not only protect their bounty, but a general and princess trying to escape an enemy clan so they can rebuild their kingdom. And also unbeknownst to the tricksters, Makabe and Yuki are not as helpless as they may seem.

羅生門 [Rashōmon] (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)



April Showers Day

羅生門 (1950)

Two men sheltering from torrential rain in the gate of a wooden temple. DP: Kazuo Miyagawa.

“It sounded interesting, at least while I kept out of the rain. But if it's a sermon, I'd sooner listen to the rain.”

– commoner