

La battaglia di Algeri [The Battle of Algiers] (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)



Arabic Language Day

La battaglia di Algeri (1966)

Petit Omar (Mohamed Ben Kassen) reading out a letter to Ali La Pointe (Brahim Hadjadj) in the قصبة, (Cashbah). If it were not for the leads' jeans and sneakers, this scene could be in any century. DP: Marcello Gatti.

Speak an Arabic language on UN Arabic Language Day.

“The first section's dead. There's no one left. We lost contact with the second. The third is reorganizing. All that's left is the fourth. It's enough to start over with.”

Festival panafricain d'Alger [The Panafrican Festival in Algiers] (William Klein, 1969)



One Voice Day

Festival panafricain d'Alger (1969)

Black hands holding each other. In translation the caption reads “Down with colonialism! Down with imperialism!”. DP: William Klein et al.

In typical Western fashion the credits for William Klein's Festival panafricain d'Alger focusses on the French and American participants. After Algeria regained its independence in 1962, it became Africa's – and the #AfricanDiaspora's – centre for postcolonial and liberation moments.

“À bas le colonialisme ! À bas l'imperialisme !”

The 12-day Festival panafricain attracted 5000 people from all over the African continent, as well as liberation fighters from the United States.

Lo straniero [The Stranger] (Luchino Visconti, 1967)




Lo straniero (1967)

Arthur Meursault (Mastroianni) eating from a cracked bowl. DP: Giuseppe Rotunno.

Z ​(Costa-Gavras, 1969)



Z Day

Z (1969)

Hélène (Irene Papas) and Z (Yves Montand). DP: Raoul Coutard.

“A single cannon is fired and a teacher's monthly salary goes up in smoke.”

– Z