

Teorema [Theorem] (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1968)



Independence Day of Mongolia

Teorema (1968)

The visitor (Terence Stamp) in intimate closeup. DP: Giuseppe Ruzzolini.

Someone finds their independence: Independence Day of Mongolia (Үндэсний эрх чөлөө, тусгаар тогтнолоо сэргээсний баярын өдөр).

“I no longer even recognize myself. What made me like the others has been destroyed. I was like everyone else, with many faults, perhaps, mine and those of the world around me. You made me different by taking me out of the natural order of things.”

– Pietro, the son

I pugni in tasca [Fists in the Pocket] (Marco Bellocchio, 1965)



I pugni in tasca (1965)

Alessandro (Lou Castel). DP: Alberto Marrama.

“I'm a volcano of ideas.”

– Alessandro

Days of Heaven (Terrence Malick, 1978)




Days of Heaven (1978)

The Amarillo Dispatch reports on President Wilson's October 7 visit to the town of Panhandle. DP: Néstor Almendros.

– Here he is!

– There he goes!

– That's the president of the whole country.

– Ohh!

Vergogna, schifosi!… [Dirty Angels] (Mauro Severino, 1969)




Vergogna, schifosi!… (1969)

A group of people in skimpy swimwear sits on space-agey white plastic seating – Archizoom's radical Superonda (1967) – while decadently eating luxurious tropical fruit from a round table that futuristically descends from the ceiling via a steel pole. DP: Angelo Lotti.

“Matto, caldo, soldi, morto… girotondo…”

La battaglia di Algeri [The Battle of Algiers] (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)



Arabic Language Day

La battaglia di Algeri (1966)

Petit Omar (Mohamed Ben Kassen) reading out a letter to Ali La Pointe (Brahim Hadjadj) in the قصبة, (Cashbah). If it were not for the leads' jeans and sneakers, this scene could be in any century. DP: Marcello Gatti.

Speak an Arabic language on UN Arabic Language Day.

“The first section's dead. There's no one left. We lost contact with the second. The third is reorganizing. All that's left is the fourth. It's enough to start over with.”

I pugni in tasca [Fists in the Pocket] (Marco Bellocchio, 1965)




I pugni in tasca (1965)

A smirking Alessandro (Lou Castel) pours soup with a ladle with his tired-looking mother (Liliana Gerace) observing. DP: Alberto Marrama.

“I'm a volcano of ideas.”

– Alessandro

Il grande silenzio [The Great Silence] (Sergio Corbucci, 1968)




Il grande silenzio (1968)

A man in a heavy fur coat (Bruno Corazzari) is eating at a small table when Silenzio (Jean-Louis Trintignant) enters the small establishment. Outside the landscape is covered in snow. DP: Silvano Ippoliti.

– What do you want?

– We just want that horse of yours.

– You want my horse, there's an awful lot of ya. What are you gonna do with just one horse, anyhow?

– Eat it. We're gonna feed off that beast for at least a week.

Days of Heaven (Terrence Malick, 1978)



Alberta Heritage Day

Days of Heaven (1978)

Bill (Richard Gere) and Abby (Brooke Adams) walking through golden fields towards a small pavilion. DP: Néstor Almendros.

Quintessential Americana. Filmed in Canada.

“The sun looks ghostly when there's a mist on a river and everything's quiet. I never knowed it before.”

– Linda