

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? (Stuart Hamisch, 1958)




Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? (1958)

Straight after dinner, the child returns to his teevee while his mother stands silently in the doorway.

A film about technology on what would've been Steve Jobs' 70th birthday

“The most precious thing that we all have with us, is time.”

– Steve Jobs

A nuclear family goes about their machine-driven day while slowly forgetting to communicate.

Le 15 mai (Claire Denis, 1971)




Le 15 mai (1971)

Claudia Morin in her silver dress showing up in Philippe Rouleau's office. The perpetual calendar behind her – Enzo Mari's Formosa from 1963 – tells us it is May 15. DP: Dominique Le Rigoleur.

“Of course, it's the 15th of May.”

Swirlee (James Lorinz, 1989)



National Vanilla Ice Cream Day

Swirlee (1989)

Newspaper clipping. Mr Softy's roommate (David Caruso) and Mr Softy (James Lorinz), a man with a softee for/as a head, pose for a picture.

Dark Star (John Carpenter, 1974)



space lunch

Dark Star (1974)

The men enjoying a joyless lunch, consisting of something semi-liquid in a squeeze packet. DP: Douglas Knapp.

“Today over lunch I tried to improve morale and build a sense of camaraderie among the men by holding a humorous, round-robin discussion of the early days of the mission. My overtures were brutally rejected. These men do not want a happy ship. They are deeply sick and try to compensate by making me feel miserable.”

– Sgt. Pinback's video diary

Dark Star (John Carpenter, 1974)



International Surfing Day

Dark Star (1974)

Lt. Doolittle (Brian Narelle) dreaming of catching that wave. DP: Douglas Knapp.

On the other end of outer space, far far away from existentialist odysseys and crypto-fascist space operas, there's a little stoner cosmos where a small, dilapidated starship manned by long-haired freaks drifts about.

“You know, I wish I had my board with me… even if I could just wax it once in a while.”

– Lt. Doolittle

Dark Star started out as a highly ambitious, underfunded student film that, in a blessed pre-Lucas, pre-blockbuster universe, got recognised for its #counterculture glory. In the early 70s, when #surfing was not yet mainstream and a handful of restless pioneers continued west despite the lack of mainland, a cross-pollination between beach blond daredevils and stoner culture happened.


Carpenter's laidback space odyssey fully embraces the beach bum spirit; it's meandering, incoherent, and whatever the superlative of no-budget may be. With at its core: #boredom, the most honest form of cinema.