

Ormen: Berättelsen om Iréne [Ormen / The Serpent] (Hans Abramson, 1966)



Lunar New Year – 巳

Ormen: Berättelsen om Iréne (1966)

The German poster. An illustration of a nude woman with a serpent's head. DP: Mac Ahlberg.

Snakes (巳) in celebration of Lunar New Year.


Ormen is an adaptation of the first two chapters of the novel Berättelsen om Iréne (Stig Dagerman, 1945).


In an army barrack, a sergeant is bitten by a snake. A soldier hides the animal in his bag in order to blackmail his superior. Iréne – who works in the same barrack's mess and is the soldier's lover – pushes her mother off a train during a quarrel about the daughter's lack of morals.


Dagerman's novel is a metaphor of Sweden's uncomfortable position in a post-WW2 world (it had declared itself neutral, which by default made it complicit in helping the Nazis). Due to its violence and nudity, outside its homecountry the film adaptation mostly played porn theatres.

Night of the Cobra Woman [Movini's Venom] (Andrew Meyer, 1972)




Night of the Cobra Woman (1972)

A blonde, mud-covered, boyish woman with shoulder-length dead hair (Joy Bang) in a grey kitchen eats Cheerios straight from the box. One of her shoes is on the kitchen counter. DP: Nonong Rasca.

Ace in the Hole (Billy Wilder, 1951)




Ace in the Hole (1951)

A man dissects his steak with knife and fork at a round table with an oilcloth cover. Prominently in the centre of the table is an square cardboard box with air-holes punched in the lid. It's open and houses a small, live rattlesnake. DP: Charles Lang.

“I can handle big news and little news. And if there's no news, I'll go out and bite a dog.”

– Charles Tatum

Holy Ghost People (Peter Adair, 1967)



Rattlesnake Roundup Day

Holy Ghost People (1967)

A man holds up a live rattlesnake in front of a congregation. DP: Peter Adair.