

Ormen: Berättelsen om Iréne [Ormen / The Serpent] (Hans Abramson, 1966)



Lunar New Year – 巳

Ormen: Berättelsen om Iréne (1966)

The German poster. An illustration of a nude woman with a serpent's head. DP: Mac Ahlberg.

Snakes (巳) in celebration of Lunar New Year.


Ormen is an adaptation of the first two chapters of the novel Berättelsen om Iréne (Stig Dagerman, 1945).


In an army barrack, a sergeant is bitten by a snake. A soldier hides the animal in his bag in order to blackmail his superior. Iréne – who works in the same barrack's mess and is the soldier's lover – pushes her mother off a train during a quarrel about the daughter's lack of morals.


Dagerman's novel is a metaphor of Sweden's uncomfortable position in a post-WW2 world (it had declared itself neutral, which by default made it complicit in helping the Nazis). Due to its violence and nudity, outside its homecountry the film adaptation mostly played porn theatres.

December 7th (John Ford + Gregg Toland, 1943)




December 7th (1943)

A Japanese person paints over the Japanese characters on their store's sign. AZUMA PHONE and SUS[HI obscured] can stay. DP: Gregg Toland.

“If that's Americanism, it's very hyphenated.”

– narrator

Careful, Soft Shoulders [Lady in a Quandry] (Oliver H.P. Garrett, 1942)




Careful, Soft Shoulders (1942)

Thomas Aldrich (James Ellison) and Connie Mathers (Virginia Bruce). DP: Charles G. Clarke.

Pensione paura [Hotel Fear] (Francesco Barilli, 1978)



wartime soup

Pensione paura (1978)

Rosa (Leonora Fani) prepares soup for two of the hotel guests. DP: Gualtiero Manozzi.

И дойде денят [I doyde denyat / And the Day Came] (Georgi Djulgerov, 1973)




И дойде денят (1973)

Mustafa (Plamen Maslarov) running. DP: Radoslav Spassov.

Wyszedł w jasny, pogodny dzień [He Left on a Bright, Sunny Day] (Krzysztof Wojciechowski, 1972)



Wyszedł w jasny, pogodny dzień (1972)

Old people exchanging food and memories outdoors. DPs: Witold Stok & Ryszard Wróblewski.

Zítra vstanu a opařím se čajem [Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea] (Jindřich Polák, 1977)



Zítra vstanu a opařím se čajem (1977)

Time-traveling tourist Shirley White (Marie Rosůlková) dragging a bewildered Hitler (František Vicena) in front of her husband's photo camera. DP: Jan Kališ.

“Patrick, it's Hitler! Yes it is Hitler! Patrick, you must take a picture of me with him!”

– Shirley White, American time traveler

Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut [A Man Escaped] (Robert Bresson, 1956)



Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut (1956)

A hand with dirty nails writing on a scrap of paper with a pencil stump. It starts “Mai 2 Ma chère maman, Je suis à la pris[…]“. DP: Léonce-Henri Burel.

“With nothing to do, no news and in terrible solitude, we were 100 unfortunates awaiting our fate. I had no illusions about my own. If I could only escape, run away…”

– Fontaine

Восточный коридор [Vostochny Koridor / Eastern Corridor] (Valentin Vinogradov, 1967)



Восточный коридор (1967)

People eating, drinking, singing. DP: Yuri Marukhin.

Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut [A Man Escaped] (Robert Bresson, 1956)




Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut (1956)

A man's hand holding a spoon at a perpendicular angle. DP: Léonce-Henri Burel.

“Time to empty our slop pails and run a little water over our faces, then back to our cells for the entire day.”

– Fontaine