

Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, 1959)




Pickpocket (1959)

The newspaper of Sunday, September 6, announcing a derby. DP: Léonce-Henri Burel.

“The pickings were poor and not worth the risk.”

– Michel

Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut [A Man Escaped] (Robert Bresson, 1956)



Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut (1956)

A hand with dirty nails writing on a scrap of paper with a pencil stump. It starts “Mai 2 Ma chère maman, Je suis à la pris[…]“. DP: Léonce-Henri Burel.

“With nothing to do, no news and in terrible solitude, we were 100 unfortunates awaiting our fate. I had no illusions about my own. If I could only escape, run away…”

– Fontaine

Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, 1959)



Pickpocket (1959)

Michel (Martin LaSalle) in a busy café, observing. An emptied water glass next to the thief should make him look like a paying guest. DP: Léonce-Henri Burel.

“Can we not admit that certain skilled men, gifted with intelligence, talent or even genius, and thus indispensable to society, rather than stagnate, should be free to disobey laws in certain cases?”

– Michel

Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut [A Man Escaped] (Robert Bresson, 1956)




Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut (1956)

A man's hand holding a spoon at a perpendicular angle. DP: Léonce-Henri Burel.

“Time to empty our slop pails and run a little water over our faces, then back to our cells for the entire day.”

– Fontaine

Une femme douce [A Gentle Woman / A Gentle Creature] (Robert Bresson, 1969)



National Write Your Story Day

Une femme douce (1969)

Dominique Sanda as “elle” – “she” – a nameless woman. She peers out of a window, her face partially obscured by the muntin. DP: Ghislain Cloquet.

A young woman jumps out of a window, leaving behind her husband, an #antiques dealer. Sitting in their bedroom with the body lying in state, the widower remembers her. In his memory, she is nameless, abstract, a state not a life..


Robert #Bresson's Une femme douce is closely adapted from Fyodor #Dostoyevsky Кроткая [Krotkaya / A Gentle Creature] (1876).