

უჟმური [Ujmuri / Мрачная равнина / Cheerless] (Nutsa Gogoberidze, 1934)



Florida – 1845

უჟმური (1934)

A young woman, dress and arms covered in swamp water, raises a muddy shotgun. DP: Shalva Apaqidze.

A swamp or The Everglades on the date that Florida became the 27th state in 1845.


The swamp dwellers' trust in shaman Uzhmuri, the Queen of Frogs, prohibits the authorities from draining the wetlands in their fight against malaria.

Тіні забутих предків [Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors] (Sergei Parajanov, 1965)



St. Dorothea of Caesarea

Тіні забутих предків (1965)

The childhood lovers to be newlyweds. During the wedding ceremony, the bride suddenly breaks out in smile. DPs: Yuri Ilyenko & Viktor Bestayev.

A wedding on the day of Dorothea of Caesarea, patron saint of horticulture, brewers, brides, florists, gardeners, midwives, newlyweds, and love.

Libahunt [Лесная легенда / Werewolf] (Leida Laius, 1968)




Libahunt (1968)

A dinner table shown from above. Several people, we mainly see their hands and wooden spoons, eat from a hand-carved bowl. DP: Algimantas Mockus.

Libahunt [Лесная легенда / Werewolf] (Leida Laius, 1968)



wolf moon

Libahunt (1968)

Tiina (Ene Rämmeld) walking through the forest. DP: Algimantas Mockus.

Wolves for Wolf Moon, the first full moon after Yule. In Livonia, which covers modern day Estonia, the 17th century was when the werewolf trials reigned.

“Better to be with wolves in the forest, than with people like you!”

Tiina, a young liberated woman taken in by a family of farmers after her mother was put on trial for witchcraft, is accused of hunting with the wolves as a werewolf by her half-sister with whom she shares a lover.

նռան գույնը [Sayat Nova / The Color of Pomegranates] (Sergei Parajanov, 1969)




նռան գույնը (1969)

A nun holds up an embroidered cloth depicting a dead Christ surrounded by mourning saints. Next to her a monk in black, resembling poet Sayat-Nova. Screenshot via Screenmusings. DP: Suren Shakhbazyan.

Garnets for January. The garnet is supposed to protect the traveller on his journey, and is named after the pomegranate with which it shares its bloodred colour.

“We sought asylum for our love, but the road led us out to the land of the dead.”

նռան գույնը tells the story of a poet's spiritual journey. The poet, and poems the film is based on is ashough [lover, or travelling musician] Sayat-Nova (b. Harutyun Sayatyan).

Баллада о солдате [Ballada o soldate / Ballad of a Soldier] (Grigoriy Chukhray, 1959)



Heroes' Day

Баллада о солдате (1959)

Hero Alyosha Skvortsov (Vladimir Ivashov). DPs: Vladimir Nikolayev & Era Savelyeva.

A heroic act for (National) Heroes' Day.

“You were so scared that you knocked out two tanks? Out of fright? Everybody hear? I wish everybody were so scared.”

– The General

Зеркало для героя [Zerkalo dlya geroya / Mirror for a Hero] (Vladimir Khotinenko, 1987)




Зеркало для героя (1987)

Sergey Pshenichnyy (Sergey Koltakov) speaking to one of the 1940s farmers. DP: Evgeniy Grebnev.

Распад [Raspad / Collapse / Decay] (Mikhail Belikov, 1990)




Распад (1990)

A young boy looks over his shoulder, into the camera. He's seated at an extended table, set with food for many. A man in the back is on the phone; a woman walks around cradling a newborn child. In the corner of the room a baby cot. DP: Vasiliy Trushkovskiy.

Восточный коридор [Vostochny Koridor / Eastern Corridor] (Valentin Vinogradov, 1967)



Восточный коридор (1967)

People eating, drinking, singing. DP: Yuri Marukhin.

Nostalghia [Nostalgia] (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1983)



Worldwide Candle Lighting Day

Nostalghia (1983)
Nostalghia (1983)

Hands shield something on stone steps. In the next shot, with the hands withdrawn, we see a small, lit candle. DP: Giuseppe Lanci.

“Feelings unspoken are unforgettable.”

– Andrei Gorchakov