

Io la conoscevo bene [I Knew Her Well] (Antonio Pietrangeli, 1965)



Crispus Attucks – 1770

Io la conoscevo bene (1965)

Adriana (Stefania Sandrelli) seen through her apartment window. Rome is reflected in her face. DP: Armando Nannuzzi.

A wasteful act: Crispus Attucks, (arguably) the first American victim in the American Revolution, dies on March 5th, 1770.

“She's always happy. She desires nothing, envies no one, is curious about nothing. You can't surprise her. She doesn't notice the humiliations, though they happen to her every day. It all rolls off her back like some waterproof material. Zero ambition. No moral code. Not even a whore's love of money.”

– The Writer

An ambitious but aimless girl – she wants to be loved, and to be a model, a proto-Edie – mills about her day.


Sublimely shot, we see Adriana through glass panes, in reflections, in an off-focal plane, in other people's words.

Le démon dans l'île [Demon Is on the Island / Demon of the Island] (Francis Leroi, 1983)




Le démon dans l'île (1983)

Dr. Gabrielle Martin (Anny Duperey) reads her digital patient file. It mentions her day of birth, June 28, 1947. DP: Jacques Assuérus.

“Don't think too much, it could affect your health, Gabrielle.”

– Dr. Marshall

Le genou de Claire [Six Contes Moraux V: Le genou de Claire / Claire's Knee] (Éric Rohmer, 1970)



National Tennis Pro Day

Le genou de Claire (1970)

Touching Claire's knee. DP: Néstor Almendros.

“Every woman has her most vulnerable point. For some, it's the nape of the neck, the waist, the hands. For Claire, in that position, in that light, it was her knee.”

– Jerome