

Czułe miejsca [Tender Spots] (Piotr Andrejew, 1981)



ice cream

Czułe miejsca (1981)

Ewa (Hanna Dunowska) licks melting ice cream with Janek (Michał Juszczakiewicz) looking on. DPs: Jerzy Zieliński & Ryszard Lenczewski.

Wyszedł w jasny, pogodny dzień [He Left on a Bright, Sunny Day] (Krzysztof Wojciechowski, 1972)



Wyszedł w jasny, pogodny dzień (1972)

Old people exchanging food and memories outdoors. DPs: Witold Stok & Ryszard Wróblewski.

Kontrakt [The Contract] (Krzysztof Zanussi, 1980)




Kontrakt (1980)

Two middle-aged men in discussion with a woman, semi off-screen, holding a drink. There's food covered with a napkin and a wineglass in front of the men. Behind the men, the maid – a tense woman cradling many small Coca-Cola bottles – looks on. DP: Slawomir Idziak.

Nóz w wodzie [Knife in the Water] (Roman Polanski, 1962)



tomato soup

Nóz w wodzie (1962)

The couple – Jolanta Umecka as Krystyna and Leon Niemczyk as Andrzej – enjoy their little lunch for two of wine and canned soup while the young man (Zygmunt Malanowicz) mopes on the ship's bow. DP: Jerzy Lipman.

“I forgot the cucumbers.”

– Krystyna

Dwaj panowie 'N' [Two Gentlemen 'N'] (Tadeusz Chmielewski, 1962)



Dwaj panowie 'N' (1962)

Elzbieta Brylska (Joanna Jedryka) and Sgt. Jan Dziewanowicz (Stanislaw Mikulski). DP: Jerzy Stawicki.

Matka Joanna od Aniolów [Mother Joan of the Angels] (Jerzy Kawalerowicz, 1961)



Chaos Never Dies Day

Matka Joanna od Aniolów (1961)

A possessed nun in white spinning on her axis among her sisters. Black clad priests in the background observe the scene. DP: Jerzy Wójcik.

Four years after the tragic events at Loudun. Mother superior, the titular Mother Joan, is still possessed by the Devil and has slowly pulled in the other sisters. A priest, the fourth one, is send to the convent to exorcise the demons who at this point have possessed all but one sister. Chaos ensues.

“If one can't be saint, it's better to be damned.”

– Mother Joan of the Angels

Nóz w wodzie [Knife in the Water] (Roman Polanski, 1962)



Mayflower Day

Nóz w wodzie (1962)

The young man (Zygmunt Malanowicz) outstretched on the boat's bow. DP: Jerzy Lipman.

“Hitching at this hour.”

Zupa [Soup] (Zbigniew Rybczyński, 1975)



Crab Soup Day

Zupa (1975)

The husband eating soup. The colours are extremely bright and placed on top of animated black-and-white still photographs created with an optical printer. DP: Zbigniew Rybczyński..

Zbigniew Rybczyński's autobiographical Zupa follows an unnamed couple's faltering monotonous relationship.


Produced by the groundbreaking Se-ma-for Studios in Łódź – you may be familiar with their 1981 Oscar-winning Tango by, again, Rybczyński – the story is told through colourised analogue still #photography and electronic music and sound effects created by PRES's Eugeniusz Rudnik.

Planeta krawiec [The Planet ‘Tailor’] (Jerzy Domaradzki, 1983)



National Tailors Day

Planeta krawiec (1983)

Lobby card. A fraction of the night sky with, where you would expect the Moon, a large button. DP: Stanisław Szymański.

During the tense hours of a solar #eclipse, the locals spend their time in a bar. One litre of vodka is the wager for he who can correctly guess a woman's dress size. Of course, tailor Józef Romanek (Kazimierz Kaczor) doesn't need to guess and that one litre later, finds himself walking through space. When he comes round from his coma, Józef builds an observatory in his house, where the tailor with his home-made telescope dreams of finding an unknown planet, and discovers the world around him.


Polish tailor Adam Giedrys is not only the subject of Planeta krawiec, but also served as the film's consultant. For his passion for and devotion to astronomy, Giedrys was the first Pole to receive Lunar soil from #NASA's 1969 Apollo 11 Moon mission.

Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie [The Saragossa Manuscript] (Wojciech Jerzy Has, 1965)



Dzień Dziadka

Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie (1965)

Alfonse Van Worden (Zbigniew Cybulski) on set with the clapper loader next to him. DP: Mieczysław Jahoda.

“That very night I found myself in totally different circumstances.”

– Don Roque Busqueros