

Le genou de Claire [Six Contes Moraux V: Le genou de Claire / Claire's Knee] (Éric Rohmer, 1970)



National Tennis Pro Day

Le genou de Claire (1970)

Touching Claire's knee. DP: Néstor Almendros.

“Every woman has her most vulnerable point. For some, it's the nape of the neck, the waist, the hands. For Claire, in that position, in that light, it was her knee.”

– Jerome

Hroch [The Hippo] (Karel Steklý, 1973)



World Hippo Day

Hroch (1973)

A poster for Hroch, showing a beautifully dressed woman in an animal enclosure feeding a hippopotamus what appears to be a consecrated wafer. A TV camera in the back records it all. DP: František Uldrich.

In this political satire criticising Czechoslovakia's “normalisation” period, a journalist learns about bank employee Bedrich Hroch, who – while attempting to determine how much #gold the local #zoo's hippopotamus' needs for a tooth replacement – is swallowed by the animal.


With the man happily residing inside the creature, his journalist friend hatches a plan to use the “talking hippo” for political means .

Primate (Frederick Wiseman, 1974)



Georgia Day

Primate (1974)

Man and ape sharing a white concrete cell. The man playfully dangles from a chain attached to the wall while the ape looks on. DP: William Brayne.

Filmed at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

“Now, we'll just let nature take its course.”

– researcher

Françoise Durocher, Waitress (André Brassard, 1972)



freebie: Customer Service Day

Françoise Durocher, Waitress (1972)

A few of the 24 performers portraying waitress Françoise Durocher. DP: Thomas Vámos.

23 actresses and one person in drag play the part of Québécois waitress Françoise Durocher in seven monologues.

“One grilled cheese, two slices of toast, two coffees. One pepper steak no chili and a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Two glasses of milk. One plate of spare ribs. A chicken in a basket with three cups of honey. One lean smoked meat sandwich with pickles and mustard. One two-cream coffee and two club sandwiches. Two clubs.”

– Françoise Durocher

Watch the short on the NFB website.

Bröder Carl [Brother Carl] (Susan Sontag, 1971)



Ballet Day

Bröder Carl (1971)

Carl (Laurent Terzieff) in a the opening position of a brisé (litt. “broken”) – a leap – on a veranda, with choreographer Martin (Keve Hjelm) watching over him. DP: Rune Ericson.

Shoot It Black, Shoot It Blue (Dennis McGuire, 1974)



Kansas Day

Shoot It Black, Shoot It Blue (1974)

A white cop (Michael Moriarty) aims his gun at someone offscreen. DP: Bob Bailin.

Ucho [The Ear] (Karel Kachyňa, 1970)



Thomas Crapper Day

Ucho (1970)

Ludvik (Radoslav Brzobohatý) taking a break from the official's party in a pristine but claustrophobic, white-tiled toilet stall. DP: Josef Illík.

“Even you, Ear, can't listen in the toilet!”

– Ludvik

Space Coast (Ross McElwee + Michel Negroponte, 1979)



NASA Day Of Remembrance

Space Coast (1979)

Cape Canaveral space journalist Mary Bubb, 59, determined to never miss a launch – shows up at a rocket launch.

“I'll take you to the horses. I'll take you to the Moon.”

– former NASA employee talking to his granddaughter

The Noah (Daniel Bourla, 1975)



Burns Night

The Noah (1975)

Noah (Robert Strauss) singing Auld Lang Syne. DP: Jerry Kalogeratos.

“On old long syne my Jo, On old long syne, That thou canst never once reflect, On old long syne”

– Robert Burns, Auld Lang Syne (1788)

Numéro zéro [Odette Robert] (Jean Eustache, 1971)



Dzień Babci

Numéro zéro (1971)

Jean Eustache holds up a clapperboard while interviewing his grandmother Odette Robert. DPs: Adolfo Arrieta & Philippe Théaudière.

“These are not pretty stories but they need to be recorded.”

– Odette Robert