Le tombeau d'Alexandre [The Last Bolshevik] (Chris Marker, 1993)
Warsaw Pact
Still from a Medvedkin film. Silhouettes in light of Lenin and Stalin facing each other are projected above a crowd of people. DP of Le tombeau d'Alexandre: Chris Marker.
“Alexandre Ivanovitch Medvedkine est le seul cinéaste russe né en 1900. (…) Son énergie, son courage, ses illusions, ses désillusions, ses compromissions, ses bagarres avec les bureaucrates, ses illuminations prophétiques, ses aveuglements, volontaires ou non, son humour indestructible et la lumière déchirante que l’effondrement de l’URSS jette rétrospectivement sur toute sa vie, ce sont ceux de toute une génération, et c’est le portrait de cette génération que j’entends tracer à travers le portrait d’un ami.”
– press kit (via)
A film essay using the life and work of filmmaker Aleksandr Medvedkin to tell the story of communism. Medvedkin traveled the Soviet Union with his Kinopoezd or Cinetrain (also Agit-train), a moving film production train with the sole purpose to create Agitprop while documenting the Five Year Plan.
Броненосец Потёмкин [Bronenosets Potyomkin / Battleship Potemkin] (Sergei Eisenstein, 1925)
Bounty Day
A closeup of a sailor. DPs: Eduard Tisse & Vladimir Popov.
“Shoulder to shoulder. The land is ours. Tomorrow is ours.”
– sailor
Dejlig er den himmel blå [Lovely Is the Blue Sky] (Jon Bang Carlsen, 1975)
Malcolm X Day
The Julemandshæren (“Santa Claus Army”) at Magasin, just after their arrest (image credit: Mother Jones, Dec. 1977). The performance was archived for prosperity in the documentary Dejlig er den himmel blå. DPs: Jimmy Andreasen, Morten Bruus, Dirk Brüel, Teit Jørgensen & Freddy Tornberg.
'Twas the week before Christmas. Not too far from Copenhagen a helicopter lands, carrying #SantaClaus and a Christmas angel. A small welcome orchestra plays carols, after which the party makes its way to the Danish capital. There, more Santas join the duo.
“Here Santa opens a factory with 1000 workers”
– banner next to a Julemandshæren-occupied factory
Over the course of several days they bring cheer, song and hot chocolate to delighted Copenhagen Christmas shoppers. Then they show up at a local bank, demanding low-interest loans. Then, in support of the laid-off workers, they unroll a large banner at the recently shutdown General Motors factory. On the final day, Santa Claus visits Magasin, the Danish version of Macy's. In the true spirit of Christmas the Julemandshæren hands out the store's books to thrilled customers. Magasin staff is not amused. Some of them start pummelling the Santas, ripping off beards to prove that these are crooks, not real #Santas. Small children are in tears, their dreams of a just world shattered.
Аэлита [Aelita / Aelita: Queen of Mars] (Yakov Protazanov, 1924)
International Astronomy Day
Queen Aelita (Yuliya Solntseva) peering through her telescope. DPs: Emil Schünemann & Yuri Zhelyabuzhsky.
Like in Enrico Novelli's Un matrimonio interplanetario [A Marriage in the Moon] (1910), interplanetary romance blooms in Аэлита.
Through her #telescope, Queen Aelita spots engineer Los, a handsome Earth man, and he promptly travels to #Mars to be with her. There, Los uncovers an uprising by the Elders against his beloved queen that he vows to – in good proletarian fashion – stomp down.
Aelita*'s constructivist stage and costume design had an enormous influence on science fiction, as far as the late 20th century.