

September 30, 1955 (James Bridges, 1977)




September 30, 1955 (1977)

Jimmy J. (Richard Thomas) in the lobby of his movie theatre, looking at the poster for Elia Kazan's East of Eden (1955). DP: Gordon Willis.

KIPHO [Du musst zur KIPHO] (Julius Pinschewer, 1925)




KIPHO (1925)

A very modern dressed woman with a small film camera. Superimposed but suggested she's filming it, a large teddybear – a bear is #Berlin's official mascot – to remind viewers that the Kino und Photoausstellung [“Film and Photo Fair”) takes place in the German capital. DP: Guido Seeber.

El chacal de Nahueltoro [Jackal of Nahueltoro] (Miguel Littin, 1969)




El chacal de Nahueltoro (1969)

The condemned (Nelson Villagra) in his penitentiary cell, swapping out his sandals for leather dress shoes. Two members of the Gendarmería de Chile wait for him to finish. DP: Héctor Ríos.

Full title: En cuanto a la infancia, andar, regeneración y muerte de Jorge del Carmen Valenzuela Torres, quien se hace llamar también José del Carmen Valenzuela Torres, Jorge Sandoval Espinoza, José Jorge Castillo Torres, alias el Campano, el Trucha, el Canaca, el Chacal de Nahueltoro

La plage 23 septembre 1971 + 18° (Paul-Armand Gette, 1971)




La plage 23 septembre 1971 + 18° (1971)

A filmstrip with three stills. The first one is a shot from above. We seen a young woman's thighs in a short skirt. She's kneeling down in the sand. Someone's hand hovers above one of her knees. The both wear matching leather jackets. Still two and three are merely identical; a young blond woman looking sideways. Behing her tall dune grass. Image source

The UFO Incident [Interrupted Journey] (Richard A. Colla, 1975)



The UFO Incident (1975)

Betty Hill (Estelle Parsons) observed from above. It's night, and tire tracks are visible. DP: Rexford L. Metz.

The War Game (Peter Watkins, 1966)



The War Game (1966)

An old man in uniform, possibly a mailman or traffic warden, stands motionless in a crowd of people. He looks off into the distance. DPs: Peter Bartlett & Peter Suschitzky.

“In the next world war, I believe that both sides could stop before the ultimate destruction of cities so that both sides could retire for a period of ten years or so of post-attack recuperation, in which world wars four to eight could be prepared.”

– a leading American nuclear strategist

Wśród nocnej ciszy [Quiet Is the Night] (Tadeusz Chmielewski, 1978)



Wśród nocnej ciszy (1978)

A young student sits on the ledge of a barge, looking up at another man. DP: Jerzy Szurowski.

In the Heat of the Night (Norman Jewison, 1967)



In the Heat of the Night (1967)

Det. Virgil Tibbs (Sidney Poitier) and Chief Bill Gillespie (Rod Steiger) at the train station. The timetable is written by hand on a blackboard. DP: Haskell Wexler.

“They call me MISTER TIBBS.”

– Det. Virgil Tibbs

De komst van Joachim Stiller [The Arrival of Joachim Stiller] (Harry Kümel, 1976)




De komst van Joachim Stiller (1976)

The mysterious letter postmarked September 11, 1919 that one day landed on Freek Groenevelt's (Hugo Metsers) doormat. DP: Eduard van der Enden.

“Tot dusver had ik mij steeds vrij tevreden met het leven gevoeld, zonder er wonderen van te verwachten. Die morgen geloofde ik, dat het voor een mens niet onmogelijk is gelukkig te zijn, kortstondig gelukkig misschien, maar gelukkig onmiskenbaar.”

– Hubert Lampo, De komst van Joachim Stiller (1960)

Maléfices [Sorcery / Where the Truth Lies] (Henri Decoin, 1962)



Maléfices (1962)

Myriam Heller (Juliette Gréco) sharing a bed with Nyète, her cheetah. DP: Marcel Grignon.