Les enfants terribles [The Terrible Children] (Jean-Pierre Melville, 1950)
World Orphans Day
The siblings – children on the cusp of adulthood, played by adults – sharing a bed. Elisabeth (Nicole Stéphane) points up towards the ceiling with one arm wrapped around her brother Paul's (Edouard Dermithe) neck. Both wear dressing gowns. DP: Henri Decaë.
With their mother bedridden, Elisabeth (Nicole Stéphane) nurtures her snowball-fight-injured brother Paul (Edouard Dermithe) back to health.
“Their heritage of instability, extravagant caprice, and natural elegance was their paternal portion.”
– Jean Cocteau, Les enfants terribles (1929)
X the Unknown (Leslie Norman + Joseph Losey, 1956)
Two soldiers on nightshift ready to eat. One of them hands a mess tin with grub to the other when there's a sound. DP: Gerald Gibbs.
Moi, un noir [I, a Negro] (Jean Rouch, 1958)
National Eddie Day
A young woman looks over her shoulder, smiling. DP: Jean Rouch.
Some of the leads play out their hopes and dreams and are named after famous actors from Western films. Petit Touré is #EddieConstantine.
The Medium (Gian Carlo Menotti, 1951)
Madame Flora (Marie Powers) by herself at a small table in a shady bar. DP: Enzo Serafin.
On the Bowery (Lionel Rogosin, 1956)
National Sober Day
Finnish poster. DP: Richard Bagley.
Someone mentions getting sober.
“When I get myself – cleaned up and straightened out, I'm going down and get a ship and I'm going to wind up in South Sea islands. That's where I wanna go!”
To Catch a Thief (Alfred Hitchcock, 1955)
leg or breast
Francie (Grace Kelly) and John Robie (Cary Grant) taking a (lunch) break on the Grand Corniche coast road. DP: Robert Burks.
– You want a leg or a breast?
– You make the choice.
The Monster That Challenged the World (Arnold Laven, 1957)
National Salami Day
Coroner Nate Brown (Byron Kane) offering two cops a couple of nice cold sandwiches straight from one of the morgue coolers on his lunch break. DP: Lester White.
Arnold Laven's The Monster That Challenged the World is one of the earliest, if not thé earliest, example of this peculiar movie and television trope: the coroner's lunch break.
– You boys care for a sandwich? Got tuna fish and minced ham on rye.
– No, thanks.
– It's nice and cold.
Having some cold cuts over some cold cuts never gets old. Or appetising.
Dial 1119 [The Violent Hour] (Gerald Mayer, 1950)
Sherry Flips
“And now for the benefit of the folks who tuned in late, I should like to say that this is the most traumatic spectacle I have ever had the GOOD fortune to witness.”
– TV announcer
Oss Oss Wee Oss (Alan Lomax, 1953)
Folklore Day
The childrens' 'Obby 'Oss May Day procession that precedes the adults' one on a Padstow hillside. DP: George Pickow.
“Unite and unite and let us all unite,
For summer is a-come unto day,
And whither we are going we will all unite,
In the merry morning of May.”
– Padstow May Night Song (traditional)
Then the “Morning Song”. Two 'Osses appear, dancing their dance, who then eventually on the evening of May Day meet at the maypole where they die, to be risen again next year.
“Now fare you well and bid you all good cheer,
For summer is acome unto day,
We call no more unto your house before another year,
In the merry morning of May.”
Alan Lomax's Oss Oss Wee Oss is probably the best known visual documentation of the Padstow 'Obby 'Oss festival. That it was filmed in 1953 doesn't matter; the ritual is circular, like the horses themselves and the eternal coming and going of the seasons.