À propos de Nice – point de vue documenté [À propos de Nice] (Boris Kaufman + Jean Vigo, 1930)
New Year's Day
Confetti for New Year's Day.
“In this film, by showing certain basic aspects of a city, a way of life is put on trial… the last gasps of a society so lost in its escapism that it sickens you and makes you sympathetic to a revolutionary solution.”
The End (Christopher Maclaine, 1953)
ice cream
A man suggestively licks an ice cream cone. DP: Jordan Belson.
Hägringen [Mirage] (Peter Weiss, 1959)
An uncomfortably close close-up up of a man's mouth eating something. Tongue and mouth are visible. He's got stubble. DP: Gustaf Mandal.
Fireworks (Kenneth Anger, 1947)
National Christmas Tree Day
The Dreamer (Kenneth Anger) holding a tinsel-decked Christmas tree in front of his naked upper body. The scene appears to foreshadow Yvonne Marquis getting into her silver dress in Anger's Puce Moment (1949).
In August 1942, a Mexican-American man with a broken finger was found semiconscious near Sleepy Lagoon, Ca.. By association, a group of young Latinos was put on trial. This spark, mere months after Roosevelt sent thousands of Japanese Americans to concentration camps and fuelled by Cold War paranoia, eventually set off the Zoot Suit Riots.
Zoot Suiters or Pachucos and other “outsiders” like African, Italian and Filipino Americans, were viciously attacked by Anglo-American #sailors. Those suits, all that fabric, this colourful extravagance, they cried out, were hampering the war effort.
“Inflammable desires dampened by day under the cold water of consciousness are ignited that night by the libertarian matches of sleep, and burst forth in showers of shimmering incandescence.”
– The Dreamer
The Dreamer, Anger, dreams of a similar violent attack. The sadism is harrowing, filmed with such exquisite eye that it's impossible to look away. Blood finds its way out, pulsating and spurting. Ambiguous glances. A hand, no finger. A young man awakes, is born. The dreamer is still asleep.
狂つた一頁 [Kurutta ippēji / A Page of Madness] (Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1926)
The servant's wife (Yoshie Nakagawa) eating. She looks up at someone offscreen, and smiles. DP: Kōhei Sugiyama.
Taris, roi de l'eau [Taris, King of the Water] (Jean Vigo, 1931)
freebie: Swim A Lap Day
Jean Taris in his element. DP: Boris Kaufman.
A proto-Jean Painlevé exercise avant la lettre.
On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in “WIT AND ITS RELATION TO THE UNCONSCIOUS” or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed (Owen Land, 1977)
National Panda Day
Two fake pandas in a black-and-white room, seated on zebra-striped chairs. The floor has black-and-white square tiles and the walls black-and-white polkadots. Framed behind them, two black squares with white passe-partouts.
Owen Land explores meaning, wit, and #WordPlay, and manages to unite the #marketing of #umeboshi #plums in a wide variety of vessels, the brokering of #brides, and pandas discussing #Freud in all of the above contexts.
“My film is going to be introduced by a fake panda and it’s going to be about Japanese salted plums among other things.”