Тіні забутих предків [Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors] (Sergei Parajanov, 1965)
St. Dorothea of Caesarea

“My name is Elia Kazan. I am a Greek by blood, a Turk by birth and an American because my uncle made a journey.”
– Elia Kazan, voice-over
“You and I are going to be filming the actors. The two of us, see, are going to be filming the actors – continuously – and you will be filming me and the actors. I'm going to be filming the actors and Terry is going to be in charge of filming the whole thing. You see?”
– William Greaves – Director
“All my life, hold me close to your heart But all else above Hold my love, darling, just hold my love”
– Ella Fitzgerald, All My Life (Sidney D. Mitchell & Sammy Stept), 1936
“Better to be with wolves in the forest, than with people like you!”