“Twenty-three years of living with nothing but gutter hypes and junkies!”The Trip Back (Ralph Weisinger, 1970)
Florrie Fisher telling the kids about her highs and lows in the gutter. DPs: Donald Shapiro & Ralph Weisinger.
– Florrie Fisher
“Twenty-three years of living with nothing but gutter hypes and junkies!”The Trip Back (Ralph Weisinger, 1970)
Florrie Fisher telling the kids about her highs and lows in the gutter. DPs: Donald Shapiro & Ralph Weisinger.
– Florrie Fisher
Tarry-Dan Tarry-Dan Scarey Old Spooky Man (John Reardon, 1978)
Tarry-Dan (Paul Curran) observing kids at the school's gate. DP: Peter Bartlett.
“I therefore concluded and decided unhesitatingly, that there are three stars in the heavens moving about Jupiter, as Venus and Mercury round the Sun; which at length was established as clear as daylight by numerous subsequent observations. These observations also established that there are not only three, but four, erratic sidereal bodies performing their revolutions round Jupiter… the revolutions are so swift that an observer may generally get differences of position every hour.”Operation Ganymed [Helden, verloren im Staub der Sterne] (Rainer Erler, 1977)
Jupiter rising. DP: Wolfgang Grasshoff.
Moons for Galileo Galilei's observation of Jupiter's four largest moons in 1610: Ganymede and Callisto on January 7, and Europa and Io on January 8.
– Galileo Galilei, Sidereus Nuncius (”Starry Messenger”), 1610
A spacecraft named Ganymede II returns back to Earth after its expedition to Jupiter's moons followed by 1500 days stuck in space. The Earth they find, is deserted.
“I came from a dream that the black man dreamed long ago. I’m actually a presence sent to you by your ancestors.”Space Is the Place (John Coney, 1974)
Space Shuttle
Ra's arrival. DP: Seth Hill.
A film about space travel on the day Nixon announced the Space Shuttle program in 1972.
– Sun Ra
儀式 [Gishiki / The Ceremony] (Nagisa Ōshima, 1971)
A boy in school uniform has his ear pressed against the ground. DP: Tōichirō Narushima.
“When we behave nobody cares. But when we are bad nobody forgets.”Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen [Even Dwarfs Started Small] (Werner Herzog, 1970)
National Short Person Day
Some of the main cast members, with three women in focus. They're outdoors and several animals, including a kneeling dromedary, can be spotted in the background. DP: Thomas Mauch.
A short main character for National Short Person Day (USA).
– Hombré
Sprawa Gorgonowej [The Gorgon Case] (Janusz Majewski, 1977)
Ewa Dałkowska as governess Rita Gorgonowa. DP: Zygmunt Samosiuk.
Cali: de película (Luis Ospina, 1973)
Feria de Cali
A child hands a man in indigenous garb a small liquor bottle during the cabalgata, the parade of horseback riders. The man's horse is painted to resemble a zebra. DP: Carlos Mayolo.
A parade for Feria de Cali, Columbia.
Мъжки времена [Mazhki vremena / Manly Times] (Eduard Sachariev, 1977)
The men with a kidnapped woman, as was a custom in the region. DP: Radoslav Spassov .
A really silly tradition for Festivus.
“What is that? What is that I hear? Where's it coming from? I hear a siren, but I don't see any fire, I don't see any smoke. Whenever there's a siren, it means there's a fire, but I don't see any smoke. That siren. Where is it coming from? Where's that sound coming from?”Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny (Richard Winer + Barry Mahon, 1972)
A bunch of screaming children on top of a red firetruck stand right behind the driver, a stoic person in a pink bunny costume. DPs: William Tobin & Richard Winer.
– Santa Claus