

L'homme à la valise [The Man with the Suitcase] (Chantal Akerman, 1983)



close quarters

L'homme à la valise (1983)

Henri (Jeffrey Kime) and the woman (Chantal Akerman) at a claustrophobically small table, each eating their breakfast. The woman has a baguette, a bowl of coffee, and a cigarette. Henri takes up most of the table with a serving tray holding a whole box of Pelletier toast, a plastic milk bottle, and a coffee pot. He's also manspreading. DP: Maurice Perrimond.

Close quarters: US premiere of 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016).


A filmmaker (Akerman) reluctantly hosts a guest (the always imposing Jeffrey Kime) in her already cramped quarters. His increasingly expanding presence in volume, sight and sound are insufferable for the quiet cineast.

Tarry-Dan Tarry-Dan Scarey Old Spooky Man (John Reardon, 1978)



Tarry-Dan Tarry-Dan Scarey Old Spooky Man (1978)

Tarry-Dan (Paul Curran) observing kids at the school's gate. DP: Peter Bartlett.

Operation Ganymed [Helden, verloren im Staub der Sterne] (Rainer Erler, 1977)




Operation Ganymed (1977)

Jupiter rising. DP: Wolfgang Grasshoff.

Moons for Galileo Galilei's observation of Jupiter's four largest moons in 1610: Ganymede and Callisto on January 7, and Europa and Io on January 8.

“I therefore concluded and decided unhesitatingly, that there are three stars in the heavens moving about Jupiter, as Venus and Mercury round the Sun; which at length was established as clear as daylight by numerous subsequent observations. These observations also established that there are not only three, but four, erratic sidereal bodies performing their revolutions round Jupiter… the revolutions are so swift that an observer may generally get differences of position every hour.”

– Galileo Galilei, Sidereus Nuncius (”Starry Messenger”), 1610

A spacecraft named Ganymede II returns back to Earth after its expedition to Jupiter's moons followed by 1500 days stuck in space. The Earth they find, is deserted.

The Night That Panicked America (Joseph Sargent, 1975)




The Night That Panicked America (1975)

Paul Shenar as Orson Welles. DP: Jules Brenner.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin from the Intercontinental Radio News.”

Śledztwo [The Investigation] (Marek Piestrak, 1974)



Śledztwo (1974)

A person offscreen shoots a handgun. DP: Edward Kłosiński.

Medium (Jacek Koprowicz, 1985)



Medium (1985)

A man in an impeccable, light-colored suit. His nose is bleeding. DPs: Jerzy Zieliński & Wit Dąbal.

The UFO Incident [Interrupted Journey] (Richard A. Colla, 1975)



The UFO Incident (1975)

Betty Hill (Estelle Parsons) observed from above. It's night, and tire tracks are visible. DP: Rexford L. Metz.

The War Game (Peter Watkins, 1966)



The War Game (1966)

An old man in uniform, possibly a mailman or traffic warden, stands motionless in a crowd of people. He looks off into the distance. DPs: Peter Bartlett & Peter Suschitzky.

“In the next world war, I believe that both sides could stop before the ultimate destruction of cities so that both sides could retire for a period of ten years or so of post-attack recuperation, in which world wars four to eight could be prepared.”

– a leading American nuclear strategist

Die Konsequenz [The Consequence] (Wolfgang Petersen, 1977)



prison grub

Die Konsequenz (1977)

Thomas (Ernst Hannawald), the warden's son, and convicted homosexual Martin (Jürgen Prochnow) sharing a mug, a meal, a cell. DP: Jörg-Michael Baldenius.

“I think it's really rotten of them to lock you up like this for making love to a boy.”

– Thomas Manzoni

Kontrakt [The Contract] (Krzysztof Zanussi, 1980)




Kontrakt (1980)

Two middle-aged men in discussion with a woman, semi off-screen, holding a drink. There's food covered with a napkin and a wineglass in front of the men. Behind the men, the maid – a tense woman cradling many small Coca-Cola bottles – looks on. DP: Slawomir Idziak.