

The Clock (Christian Marclay, 2010)




The Clock (2010)

Prof. Charles Rankin (Orson Welles) during the climax in The Stranger (1946). The clocktower strikes midnight. DP: Russell Metty.

Midnight: it's Hogmanay in Scotland.

“There's no clue to the identify of Franz Kindler; except one little thing. He has a hobby that almost amounts to a mania: clocks.”

– Mr. Wilson

The Clock takes place over – and lasts – 24 hours, with each moment either being shown in a film still or mentioned by characters during a scene. In total, there are over 12 000 scenes edited into Marclay's tour de force.

Nowhere to Go (Seth Holt + Basil Dearden, 1958)




Nowhere to Go (1958)

A man checks into a hotel. A wall calendar reads December 22, a Tuesday. DP: Paul Beeson .

“Sloane! Be lucky!”

– Paul Gregory

Lolita (Stanley Kubrick, 1962)



Daniel LaRusso's birthday

Lolita (1962)

Lolita (Sue Lyon) twirling her hoola hoop in the yard in front of Prof. Humbert Humbert (James Mason). He pretends to read but is mostly ogling her.. DP: Oswald Morris .

A backyard, deck or fences for Daniel LaRusso's (the Karate Kid kid who, as part of his martial arts training, endlessly paints fences) birthday.

“What drives me insane is the twofold nature of this nymphet, of every nymphet perhaps, this mixture in my Lolita of tender, dreamy childishness and a kind of eerie vulgarity. I know it is madness to keep this journal, but it gives me a strange thrill to do so. And only a loving wife could decipher my microscopic script.”

– Prof. Humbert Humbert

Watch the K Foundation Burn a Million Quid (Gimpo, 1995)



Techno Day

Watch the K Foundation Burn a Million Quid (1995)

A British banknote on fire. DP: Gimpo.

A techno music scene for Techno Day (Juan Atkins' birthday).

“We wanted the money but we wanted to burn it more.”

– Bill Drummond

Black Sabbath – Live in Paris (Jacques Bourton, 1970)



Metal & Beer Fest

Black Sabbath - Live in Paris (1970)

Tony Iommi.

A heavy soundtrack for the Decibel Magazine Metal & Beer Fest: Denver.

“Heavy boots of lead Fills his victims full of dread Running as fast as they can Iron Man lives again”

– Black Sabbath, Iron Man (1970)

Despite its title, Live in Paris was filmed in Théâtre 140 in Brussels by Yorkshire Television and is Sabbath's first recorded live concert.

The Mystery of the Mary Celeste [Phantom Ship] (Denison Clift, 1935)



The Mystery of the Mary Celeste (1935)

Anton Lorenzen (Bela Lugosi). DPs: Eric Cross & Geoffrey Faithfull.

“No, I never left the wheel; not for a moment.”

– Anton Lorenzen

Night of the Demon (Jacques Tourneur, 1957)



Night of the Demon (1957)

John Holden (Dana Andrews) standing in Stonehenge's inner circle. He's holding a strip of paper with something written on it. DP: Edward Scaife.

“It's in the trees! It's coming!”

The War Game (Peter Watkins, 1966)



The War Game (1966)

An old man in uniform, possibly a mailman or traffic warden, stands motionless in a crowd of people. He looks off into the distance. DPs: Peter Bartlett & Peter Suschitzky.

“In the next world war, I believe that both sides could stop before the ultimate destruction of cities so that both sides could retire for a period of ten years or so of post-attack recuperation, in which world wars four to eight could be prepared.”

– a leading American nuclear strategist

Friendship's Death (Peter Wollen, 1987)




Friendship's Death (1987)

Bill Paterson and Tilda Swinton as Sullivan and Friendship. DP: Witold Stok.

“What will happen when your machines become intelligent? When they become autonomous? When they have private thoughts? You humans look down on your machines because they're man-made. They're a product of your skills and labour. They weren't even domesticated like animals were. You see them simply as extensions of yourself, of your own will. I can't accept that. I can't accept subhuman status simply because I'm a machine based on silicon rather than carbon, electronics rather than biology. If I sound fanatical, it's because I've been trapped in a time warp. In a world where the full potential of machines hasn't been guessed at. A world where I have to wear a human disguise to be accepted? I came here too late. It will all end before the computers that already control the fate of the world have reached the point where they wanted to survive.”

– Friendship

Corridor of Mirrors (Terence Young, 1948)



Corridor of Mirrors (1948)

Mifanwy (Edana Romney) anachronistically smoking a cigarette. DP: André Thomas.