“Truly the light is sweet; and what a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to see the Sun.”The Day the Earth Caught Fire (Val Guest, 1961)
Jeannie Craig (Janet Munro) trying to cool down in a bathtub. DP: Harry Waxman.
– Peter Stenning
“Truly the light is sweet; and what a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to see the Sun.”The Day the Earth Caught Fire (Val Guest, 1961)
Jeannie Craig (Janet Munro) trying to cool down in a bathtub. DP: Harry Waxman.
– Peter Stenning
“Hélène Picard, born in Lyon, May 20, 1943. A child in care, she is reported as a runaway, a thief and unstable.”La Femme Bourreau [A Woman Kills] (Jean-Denis Bonan, 1968)
A dark-haired woman lounging on a bed. DP: Gérard de Battista.
Touha zvaná Anada [Desire Called Anad / Adrift] (Elmar Klos + Ján Kadár, 1968/1971)
Zuzka (Milena Dravić) holds a mirror to Anada's (Paula Pritchett) face. Zuzka's husband Jánoš (Rade Marković) looks on. DP: Vladimír Novotný.
Slnko v sieti [The Sun in a Net] (Štefan Uher, 1963)
An old man, enclosed in a simple, wooden window frame, eating his lunch. DP: Stanislav Szomolányi.
少年 [Shōnen / Boy] (Nagisa Ōshima, 1969)
The boy in his school uniform (Bin Amatsu) at a table in a traditional Japanese room with his meal untouched. A man eats next to the kid who glances at someone or something offscreen. The table is set for three. DPs: Seizō Sengen & Yasuhiro Yoshioka.
El chacal de Nahueltoro [Jackal of Nahueltoro] (Miguel Littin, 1969)
The man (Nelson Villagra) just handed a tin plate to kind Rosa (Shenda Román) for a refill while they talk about his life. DP: Héctor Ríos.
Full title: En cuanto a la infancia, andar, regeneración y muerte de Jorge del Carmen Valenzuela Torres, quien se hace llamar también José del Carmen Valenzuela Torres, Jorge Sandoval Espinoza, José Jorge Castillo Torres, alias el Campano, el Trucha, el Canaca, el Chacal de Nahueltoro.
– Do you realise what today's date is, Rex? – April the, er, 29th, why?The Devil Rides Out (Terence Fisher, 1968)
The menacing Mocata (Charles Gray). DP: Arthur Grant.
Willi Tobler und der Untergang der 6. Flotte [Willi Tobler and the Decline of the 6th Fleet] (Alexander Kluge, 1969)
One of many many handmade, overly complicated title cards. The date is May/June 42. DPs: Dietrich Lohmann, Thomas Mauch & Alfred Tichawsky.
And November 9, January 14, and January 21.
“I forgot the cucumbers.”Nóz w wodzie [Knife in the Water] (Roman Polanski, 1962)
tomato soup
The couple – Jolanta Umecka as Krystyna and Leon Niemczyk as Andrzej – enjoy their little lunch for two of wine and canned soup while the young man (Zygmunt Malanowicz) mopes on the ship's bow. DP: Jerzy Lipman.
– Krystyna
“Sir Thomas Sheridan, Jacobite military secretary. Suffering advanced debility and loss of memory. Former military engagement, 56 years ago. Sir John MacDonald, Jacobite captain of cavalry. Aged, frequently intoxicated, described as 'a man of the most limited capacities.' John William O'Sullivan, Jacobite quartermaster general. Described as 'an Irishman whose vanity is superseded only by his lack of wisdom.' Prince Charles Edward Stuart, Jacobite commander in chief. Former military experience: 10 days at a siege at the age of 13.”Culloden (Peter Watkins, 1964)
One of the clansman. The look in his eyes foreshadows the Vietnam War this films comments on. DP: Dick Bush.
– narrator