

Fata/Morgana [Left-Handed Fate / Panik 75] (Vicente Aranda, 1966)



Fata/Morgana (1966)

Gim (Teresa Gimpera) modelling in a photo studio. The photographer, another woman in silhouette, has an identical hairstyle and outfit. DP: Aurelio G. Larraya.

Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie [The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie] (Luis Buñuel, 1972)



No One Eats Alone Day

Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (1972)

The diners at a long table. DP: Edmond Richard.

People eat dinner together on No One Eats Alone Day*.

“My God. What am I doing in this place?”

– Henri Sénéchal

The bourgeoisie meet for dinner in various settings, but never consume.


* this event takes place on the Friday of the second full week in February, which makes the 2025 date February 14.

Accidente 703 [Los culpables] (José María Forqué, 1962)



Accidente 703 (1962)

A darkened room. People take care of a man slumped on a coach. A wall calendar tells us it's the 21st. DP: Juan Mariné.

20 de noviembre de 1936 ¿Te acuerdas de esta fecha, compañero? [20th of November] (1937)




20 de noviembre de 1936 ¿Te acuerdas de esta fecha, compañero? (1937)

Soldiers in silhouette. Disclaimer: I am not 100% sure this still is from the correct film. DP: anonymous.

A documentary made by the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo in honour of anarchist Buenaventura Durruti, who was murdered on November 20, 1936.

“Fascism is not to be debated, it is to be destroyed.”

– Buenaventura Durruti

Pensione paura [Hotel Fear] (Francesco Barilli, 1978)



wartime soup

Pensione paura (1978)

Rosa (Leonora Fani) prepares soup for two of the hotel guests. DP: Gualtiero Manozzi.

La notte dei diavoli [The Night of the Devils] (Giorgio Ferroni, 1972)




La notte dei diavoli (1972)

The two children (Cinzia De Carolis on the right) eat soup and giggle. Some parsley is stuck to the left child's mouth. DP: Manuel Berenguer.

More (Barbet Schroeder, 1969)



More (1969)

Estelle (Mimsy Farmer) and Stefan (Klaus Grünberg) tripping in Ibiza. DP: Néstor Almendros.

“I had imagined this journey as a quest. I finished my studies in math. I wanted to live. I wanted to burn all the bridges, all the formulas, and if I got burned, that was okay, too. I wanted to be warm. I wanted the sun and I went after it.”

– Stefan

Le vampire de Düsseldorf [The Vampire of Dusseldorf] (Robert Hossein, 1965)



Le vampire de Düsseldorf (1965)

Robert Hossein as Peter Kuerten [sic]. DP: Alain Levent.

Al filo del hacha [Edge of the Axe] (José Ramón Larraz, 1988)




spoiler warning: click to toggle image Al filo del hacha (1988)
spoiler warning: click to read

A computer screen with the admission date of Lillian Nebbs (Christina Marie Lane) in the psychiatric ward on August 16, 1978. Diagnosis: Psycho Amnesia [sic]. There are small pop magazine stickers on the display's bezel. DP: Tote Trenas.

Der Stand der Dinge [The State of Things] (Wim Wenders, 1982)




Der Stand der Dinge (1982)

Friedrich Munro's (Patrick Bauchau) Hollywood, Ca address and date of birth: August 13, 1942. DPs: Henri Alekan, Fred Murphy & Martin Schäfer.

– You know, I take pictures, photographs, but I never really thought in black and white before I saw our rushes. Do you know what I mean? You can see the shape of things.   – Life is in colour, but black and white is more realistic.