

Il posto [The Job] (Ermanno Olmi, 1961)



World Party Day

Il posto (1961)

Two office workers awkwardly dancing cheek to cheek at the company Christmas party. She's in her finest cocktail dress and pearls, he listlessly wears a mock sheriff's hat. DP: Lamberto Caimi.

To support his family, small-town boy Domenico moves to Milan in the hope to find a job. Eventually he's employed, as a clerk in a drab office replacing a senior worker who died. While the days drag on, only interrupted by coffee shop small talk with fellow teenager Antonietta, the Christmas office #party draws nearer.

“My wife gave me a big kiss this morning. I only get kisses once a month, on payday.”

– Sartori

With the dark absurdity of coming out of fascism and having to run a real-world country with a naive ineptitude – represented by the too-large-borrowed-from-father-suits – and pretence childlike bureaucratic procedures, Olmi's Il posto is a wonderfully sharp observation of postwar Italy.

Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)



Eiffel Tower Day

Playtime (1967)

A woman in a long grey overcoat holds a glass door of one of the many impersonal, grey modernist buildings. For a brief moment the Eiffel Tower can be seen reflected in the glass, providing a much needed flash of colour. DPs: Jean Badal & Andréas Winding.

Never was or will I be a fan of Jacques #Tati, the loveable Luddite who wouldn't be as big as he became if it wasn't for the technological wonders of the 20th century. Having said that, his Playtime (1967) holds a special place in my heart.


Tati's alter ego Monsieur #Hulot roams a hyper-modern #Paris, actually an enormous soundstage dubbed Tativille. People, buildings and gadgets interact with and against each other, each and everyone as plotless as a prop. In unison, it becomes a perfectly orchestrated symphony of maddening modernism.


But Tati wouldn't be Tati if it wasn't for a glimpse of quiet nostalgia. A woman holding the glass-and-steel entrance door of yet another concrete office building. In the glass, a burst of warm light and colour and movement. And then it's gone, and we remember how that tower once was the thorn in the Luddite's eye, that “baroque and mercantile fancy of a builder of machines”.


I'm going to take Mr Ebert's words to heart for my long overdue revisit to #Tativille:

”'Playtime' is a peculiar, mysterious, magical film. Perhaps you should see it as a preparation for seeing it; the first time won't quite work.”

– Roger Ebert

Last Summer (Frank Perry, 1969)



Walk In The Sand Day

Last Summer (1969)

One of the boys striking a threatening pose with a stick aimed at Sandy (Barbara Hershey aka Barbara Seagull). In the foreground a brooding Rhoda (the fantastic Catherine Burns). DPs: Enrique Bravo & Gerald Hirschfeld.

During a #summer #vacation on #FireIsland, two young men come across Sandy, an attractive young woman with an injured #seagull. While nursing the bird back to life, the relationship between the three deepens. A second girl, the much younger Rhoda (the breathtaking Catherine Burns) is taken in by the trio.

“What are you going to do with the rest of your life? Sit on the shore and watch?”

– Sandy

Set almost entirely on a sunny #beach, Frank Perry's Last Summer may be one of the most claustrophobic films you'll ever watch.

Peace, little girl (1964)

Peace, little girl (1964)

March 21: #countdown to #NationalCountdownDay

Peace, little girl [Daisy aka Daisy Girl] (Sidney Myers, 1964)

One… two… three… four… five… seven… six… six… eight… nine… nine…

It was the #PoliticalAd campaign to end all political ad campaigns. Peace, little girl opens innocently enough with a little blonde girl, picking the petals of an ox-eye #daisy while counting. When the final petal's gone, the tone changes completely.

This deceptively simple propaganda film was made in support of Lyndon B. Johnson's 1964 presidential campaign by ad agency #DBB and media consultant Tony Schwartz. It was so effective and bleak in is insinuations that the Johnson campaign was forced to pull it after only one screening.

What fascinates me is the similarity with one particular scene from James Whale's #Frankenstein (1931). The Monster (#Karloff) meets a little girl who sits on the shore of a lake, picking daisies. He approaches her, and the girl, knowing the creature is a good man at heart, invites him to play a game with her involving them tossing the daisies into the lake.

The Monster (Boris Karloff) and little Maria (Marilyn Harris) playing with daisies on a beautiful day at the lake. DPs: Arthur Edeson & Paul Ivano.

Frankenstein (1931)

Spoiler warning When they run out of daisies, the Monster picks up the girl who to him is as pretty and innocent as a flower, and tosses her into the water.

This scene was cut and considered lost until the 1980s. Could Tony Schwartz have been aware of that scene? He was at the right age to have seen the pre-code, pre-cut version.

#Bales2023FilmChallenge #SidneyMyers #LyndonBJohnson #ChrisSchenkel #MoniqueCorzilius #MoniqueCozy #RobertDryden #DrummondDrury #ShortFilm #war #peace #scaresploitation #flowers #propaganda #ColdWar #election #politics #USA #1960s ★★★★☆


Un soir, un train [One Night, a Train] (André Delvaux, 1968)



French Language Day

Un soir, un train (1968)

Mathias (Montand) and Anne (Aimée) walk through a round archway. Both have a different focus and are on opposite sides of the arch as a foreshadowing of their parting. DP: Ghislain Cloquet.

A Walloon language professor and his French set designer fiancée are at an impasse. While his Flemish students vocally protest against more Walloon influence at their uni, the couple – who superficially speak the same #language, #French – struggles to find the right words. They meet, part ways, then find each other again on a train that at morning turns out to be standing still in the middle of nowhere. The man, now without her, disembarks and with two acquaintances who also were on that train tries to find out where he and she are.


André Delvaux's Un soir, un train is a masterpiece about finding the right language in a fractured world.

The Damned [These Are the Damned] (Joseph Losey, 1962)



National Automatic Door Day

The Damned (1962)

An 11-year old boy, Henry (Kit Williams), opens a featureless door in a rock surface for a drenched King (Oliver Reed). DP: Arthur Grant.

An American tourist visiting Dorset is tricked by a prostitute, then falls victim to a youth gang controlled by volatile con King – a still very green Oliver Reed at his meanest. The trickster is King's sister, who confides in the American hoping to escape her brother's incestuous advances.

“I'm strange, all right! I'll show you just how strange I am!”

– King

The couple elopes to a nearby island, closely followed by King and his gang, where they find a group of #children, all contently living in an underground lab, with #AutomaticDoors only they can control.


They are the damned.

La dolce vita (Federico Fellini, 1960)



National Shoe The World Day

La dolce vita (1960)

An exuberant Sylvia (Anita Ekberg) dances barefoot to a stoic guitarist. DP: Otello Martelli.

Various characters lose their shoes in Fellini's hedonistic La dolce vita, most famously Anita Ekberg after entering a freezing Fontana di Trevi with paparazzo Marcello Mastroianni.

“I like lots of things. But there are three things I like most: love, love, and love.”

– Sylvia

Une femme douce [A Gentle Woman / A Gentle Creature] (Robert Bresson, 1969)



National Write Your Story Day

Une femme douce (1969)

Dominique Sanda as “elle” – “she” – a nameless woman. She peers out of a window, her face partially obscured by the muntin. DP: Ghislain Cloquet.

A young woman jumps out of a window, leaving behind her husband, an #antiques dealer. Sitting in their bedroom with the body lying in state, the widower remembers her. In his memory, she is nameless, abstract, a state not a life..


Une femme douce is closely adapted from Fyodor #Dostoyevsky Кроткая [Krotkaya / A Gentle Creature] (1876).

Carnival of Souls [Corridors of Evil] (Herk Harvey, 1962)



National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day

Carnival of Souls (1962)

Mary Henry (Candace Hilligoss) looking around in wonder. DP: Maurice Prather.

A slice of teenage bravura is just enough for a couple of kids to #dare each other to a drag race. Hours after the car of one of them had plunged from a bridge into the murky waters below, Mary Henry resurfaces.

“It's funny… the world is so different in the daylight. In the dark, your fantasies get so out of hand. But in the daylight everything falls back into place again.”

– Mary Henry

Carnival of Souls was Herk Harvey's sole feature length film. He's much better known – albeit mostly uncredited – for his short PSAs including Halloween Safety, ruining your kids' favourite holiday since 1977, and Shake Hands With Danger (1980).


You don't have to tell Three Finger Joe about taking no risks.

High School (Frederick Wiseman, 1968)



National Promposal Day

High School (1968)

Girls PE class accompanied by last year's hit single, 1910 Fruitgum Company's “Simon Says”. DP: Richard Leiterman.

Frederick Wiseman is the fly-on-the-wall at Northeast High School, filming teenage angst and awkwardness. There's talk of #PromNight, and small dramas when it turns out that above-the-knee is not formal wear thankyouverymuchyounglady. The dance itself is never shown.

“I didn't mean to be individualistic.”

– student

This is High School. I'm glad I never have to set foot in one ever again.