

Accident (Joseph Losey, 1967)



Car Insurance Day

Accident (1967)

Anna (Jacqueline Sassard) on the backseat of a car, her head tilted back. DP: Gerry Fisher.

A car accident.

Shoot It Black, Shoot It Blue (Dennis McGuire, 1974)



Kansas Day

Shoot It Black, Shoot It Blue (1974)

A white cop (Michael Moriarty) aims his gun at someone offscreen. DP: Bob Bailin.

Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie [The Saragossa Manuscript] (Wojciech Jerzy Has, 1965)



Dzień Dziadka

Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie (1965)

Alfonse Van Worden (Zbigniew Cybulski) on set with the clapper loader next to him. DP: Mieczysław Jahoda.

“That very night I found myself in totally different circumstances.”

– Don Roque Busqueros

Иконостасът [Ikonostasat / The Icon Stand] (Todor Dinov & Christo Christov, 1969)



World Religion Day

Иконостасът (1969)

Icon maker Raphe (Dimitar Tashev) and Katerina (Violeta Gindeva) surrounded by the icon stand. The Holy Virgin can be seen in the background. DP: Atanas Tasev.

The cyclical story of the Christ envisioned as an icon maker, the creator of sacred images of the saints and the Holy.


When you know what to look for – the significance of bread, the judgement of the Pantocrator, the wheel that begets martyrs – Иконостасът speaks the language of the people, not of the ecclesiastic.

De man die zijn haar kort liet knippen [The Man Who Had His Hair Cut Short] (André Delvaux, 1965)



freebie: Teacher Appreciation Day

De man die zijn haar kort liet knippen (1965)

Govert Miereveld (Senne Rouffaer) having his hair cut. DPs: Ghislain Cloquet & Roland Delcour.

A teacher, enthralled by one of his students, gets lost after she graduates.


– Govert Miereveld

Heavy and light, absurd and profane. An absolute recommendation.

Grand Hotel (Edmund Goulding, 1932)



World Typing Day

Grand Hotel (1932)

Despite Flaemmchen – Joan Crawford in her breakout role – is introduced as a “little stenographess”, that's clearly a typewriter on her desk. DP: William H. Daniels.

“Grand Hotel… always the same. People come, people go. Nothing ever happens.”

– Flaemmchen

Z ​(Costa-Gavras, 1969)



Z Day

Z (1969)

Hélène (Irene Papas) and Z (Yves Montand). DP: Raoul Coutard.

“A single cannon is fired and a teacher's monthly salary goes up in smoke.”

– Z