Vampyr, ou l'étrange aventure de David Gray (Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1932)
World Dream Day
Allan Grey (Julian West) sees himself in a coffin in a dream. DPs: Rudolph Maté & Louis Née.
“This is the tale of the strange adventures of the young Allan Gray, who immersed himself in the study of devil worship and vampires. Preoccupied with superstitions of centuries past, he became a dreamer for whom the line between the real and the supernatural became blurred. His aimless wanderings led him late one evening to a secluded inn by the river in a village called Courtempierre.”
– title card
La caza [The Hunt] (Carlos Saura, 1966)
International Rabbit Day
One of the hunters, seen from the back, aims for a wild rabbit. When you look closely you can see the animal leap just out of frame. DP: Luis Cuadrado.
U bent mijn moeder (Horst Königstein, 1984)
World Alzheimer's Day
Joop Admiraal in the role of his mother. During the monologue, the actor switches character and props.
The Mills of the Gods: Viet Nam (Beryl Fox, 1965)
Air Force Birthday
“Thus, I do not see what use there is in those mills of the gods said to grind so late as to render punishment hard to be recognized, and to make wickedness fearless”
– Plutarch, Moralia (1 A.D.)
Céline et Julie vont en bateau: Phantom Ladies Over Paris [Celine and Julie Go Boating] (Jacques Rivette, 1974)
National Women's Friendship Day
Celine (Juliet Berto) leans into Julie (Dominique Labourier) in the back of a car. DP: Jacques Renard.
“It doesn't hurt to fall off the moon.”
– Julie
Nóz w wodzie [Knife in the Water] (Roman Polanski, 1962)
Mayflower Day
The young man (Zygmunt Malanowicz) outstretched on the boat's bow. DP: Jerzy Lipman.
On the Bowery (Lionel Rogosin, 1956)
National Sober Day
Finnish poster. DP: Richard Bagley.
Someone mentions getting sober.
“When I get myself – cleaned up and straightened out, I'm going down and get a ship and I'm going to wind up in South Sea islands. That's where I wanna go!”
Gimme Shelter (Albert + David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin, 1970)
Uncle Sam Day
Mick Jagger seen from the back wearing an Uncle Sam top hat, in front of an unseen crowd. DPs: Albert Maysles, David Maysles & Gary Weis.
It's December 6, 1969 and just like that, the 60s were over. It started out great, the West Coast edition of Woodstock. Santana, Jefferson Airplane, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, a 300.000 strong crowd and, of course, The Rolling Stones on the final leg of their US tour. And, of course too, Hells Angels armed with motorcycle chains, sawed-off pool cues and $500 worth of beer, hired to stop fans from climbing the stage. And not in the least due to its proximity to Frisco, lots of bad drugs mixing with that crowd.
“Well, The Rolling Stones tour of the United States is over. It wounded up with a free concert at the Altamont Speedway for more than 300,000 people. There were four births, four deaths and an awful lot of scuffles reported.”
– Stefan Ponek, KSN Radio
0課の女 赤い手錠 [Zeroka no onna: Akai wappa / Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs] (Yukio Noda, 1974)
National Police Woman Day
Rei (Miki Sugimoto) wielding the red chain of her handcuffs. DP: Yoshio Nakajima.
Rei (Miki Sugimoto) is a member of Division Zero, a top secret division of #Tokyo's police department. Hired to investigate a high-profile #kidnapping, she infiltrates the gang and kills them off with her signature blood-red handcuffs.
0課の女 赤い手錠 is the first of no less than 9 instalments. Based on Tōru Shinohara's #manga 0課の女 [Zero-ka no Onna] who may be better known for his さそり [Sasori / Scorpion], which in its turn was adapted into the popular Female Prisoner Scorpion series of WiP films.
Warum läuft Herr R. Amok [Why Does Herr R. Run Amok] (Michael Fengler, 1970)
National Boss Employee Exchange Day
Der Chef (Franz Maron) berates Herr R. (Kurt Raab). DP: Dietrich Lohmann.
“No, no, geh' nicht vorbei, als wär' nichts gescheh'n,
Es ist zu spät, um zu lügen,
Komm und verzeih, ich werd' mit dir geh'n,
Wohin dein Weg auch führt,
Und die Welt, sie wird schön.”
– Christian Anders, Geh nicht vorbei (1969)
So why does Herr R run amok?